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360. The Sutra of the Twelve Signs

Library - Kangyur - Sutra


The Sutra of the Twelve Signs

    Let it become perfect!
    Enlightened, the Blessed One was in a bamboo grove in Rajagriha. At that time lightning appeared, a meteor flew by and a meteorite fell. Then King Bimbisara and his retinue called the brahmins who were versed in visions and said:
    What cause and condition causes the heavens to shake?
    The brahmins answered:
    Such visions as these appear from the sciences under the name of the Twelve Visions. We are ashamed but unable to interpret.
    Then King Bimbisara headed toward the Blessed One. Prostrating himself at his feet, he said the following:
    Blessed One! Think with heartfelt love about the purpose of living beings! Please clarify the signs of the twelve visions!
    The Blessed One replied:
    Because of what arises in a peculiar way, such sciences of the outer world are part of the explanations.
    Then again, King Bimbisara repeatedly asked the Blessed One:
    Blessed One! Think with heartfelt love of me. Please deliver me from these doubts!
    Then the Blessed One, after giving the clarifications, gave instructions on reviewing the past:

    Great king! In times past, there was a rishi Bhagava near Mount Kailash. At that time Vyaghrakumara wandered about others, that they saw [him] and gave birth to a passion. After the rishi indulged in the passion, twelve sons were born in the same year. Then, when they reached the age of seven, both their parents died. Then the children, before they reached the age of twelve, received the actual attainments-siddhis of Brahma, after which they began to ask for the fulfillment of their intentions and aspirations. Then Brahma looked at them lovingly and the lord of the gods, Shakra, and the four great kings and their retinue came to Jambudvipa. Then Brahma said the following to these children:
    What do you desire, O sons?
    Then the children said the following to Brahma:
    O deity! We [possess] very little wisdom, being children by nature. Since we cannot analyze the good and the bad, we ask for clarification of what is the science, the portents of the sun and the moon, the planets, the nakshatras and [what is] the mandala [of the stars]!
    Then the lord of the gods, Shakra, said the following to Brahma:
    Master of the gods! Thou grant the actual attainments-siddhi to these children!
    Then Brahma said to the children:
    Listen, children! Explain what are the twenty-eight nakshatras, the mandala of all the stars, the omens, the sun and the moon, the planets-graha, the falling of meteorites, earthquakes and oscillations, the science of omens.
    If in the first month of winter, under a rising moon or a waning moon, on the eighth [day], the fourteenth or fifteenth the light of the sun becomes black like darkness, great obstacles will arise for sages, scholars or noble men. If on the day of nakshatra ashvinī (aśvinī) from the sun arise that which is like smoke, when the suite and the earth are dispersed, there will be no rain for twelve years. If on the day of nakshatra bharani (bharaṇī) the sun be of golden color, the countries of the nearest surrounding kingdoms will be destroyed and a great famine will arise in the central [country]. If on the day of nakshatra kartika (kārtikā) in the last month of winter the Sun is extremely bright, the outermost countries will be destroyed and there will be no rain in the central [country].
    If on the day of nakshatra agra (āgrā) in the first month of spring there is a halo at the Sun or a vision of two disks of the Sun, people will have diseases and malicious interference with the two kings. If on the day of nakshatra pūshya (puṣya) in the middle month of spring the daytime is dark and the color is gray at sunset, there will be interference with the great king. If during the bharaṇī nakshatra (bharaṇī) in the last month of spring there is an eclipse of the Sun or the Moon, the minister will kill the king.
    If during the nakshatra of purvabhadrapādā (pūrvabhadrapādā) in the first month of summer the Sun turns red, there will be great harmful interference to the king, the minister and their kingdom. If there is a solar or lunar eclipse (pūrbāśāḍhā) in the middle month of summer during the nakshatra of purvashādha, conflicts, diseases of the people, and famine will arise in the kingdom. If during nakshatra mulam (mūlaṁ), in the last month of summer, cracks in the Sun or Moon are seen and visions in the form of parts appear, great harm will arise in that realm.
    If during the nakshatra of ashvinī (aśvinī) in the first month of autumn, the conjunction of the Sun and the Moon occurs, blood will descend in that realm because of great bloodshed. If during the nakshatra kartika (kārtikā) in the middle month of autumn, in the full moon, the Moon is of fiery color, the destruction of the country due to the host of enemies will take place in that realm.
    If on the day of nakshatra bharāni (bharaṇī) in the first month of winter the Sun is not clear when a dark red wind arises, an accumulation of enemies will destroy the country. If on the day of nakshatra purvaphalgunī (pūrva phalgunī) in the last month of winter a great red wind arises and the earth crumbles, harm will arise for the great king.
    If on the days of nakshatra vishakha (viśākhā) in the first and second months of spring there is hail, bloody disease and harm will arise in that realm. If on the day of nakshatra jyetkha (jyeṣṭhā) in the last month of spring, because of the star and the Sun at sunrise, there will be great obstacles for all the planets-graha.
    If on the day of nakshatra purvashadha (pūrvāśāḍhā) in the first month of summer the earth crumbles and the Sun is not clear, there will be conflict and war with a thousand kings. Also, if on the day of nakshatra purvashadha (pūrvāśāḍhā) in the first month of summer there is a strong wind, water will be rare and food and dough will become unusable. If on the day of nakshatra shravana (śravaṇā) in the middle month of summer a strong wind arises and the sky darkens, there will be great fear for other countries that are nearby. If on the day of nakshatra pūrvābhadrāpādā (pūrvābhadrāpādā) in the midsummer month hail and meteorites fall, disease and famine will arise in that country. If on the nakshatra day of purvābhadrāpādā (pūrbābhadrāpādā) in the last month of summer there is a strong red wind from the north and then temples, stupas, houses and large tree trunks are destroyed, great harm will arise in the realm.
    If on the day of nakshatra ashvinī in the first month of autumn there is lightning, meteors falling or hail, there will be great conflict in that country.
    If it rains on the nakshatra magha (maghā) day in the first month of winter, there will be an abundance of food in all countries. If on the day of nakshatra agra (āgrā) in the last month of winter the sky becomes like fire in color, it is a very bad omen. In the kingdom people will become unhappy and great fear will arise.
    If on the day of nakshatra bhārāni (bharaṇī) in the last month of spring there is a loud sound from the north or the sky becomes yellow, all enemies will destroy the country. If on the day of nakshatra svāti (svātī) in the first month of spring it rains and a rainbow appears in the absence of wind, a large city will be burned by fire.
    If on the day of nakshatra pūshya (puṣya) in the first month of summer there is rain with lightning, sand and mud, there will be famine in that country. If on the day of nakshatra mūlam (mūlaṁ) in the middle month of summer there is a rainbow when it rains, there will be harm for the royal family.
    If on the day of nakshatra uttarabhadrapādā (uttarabhadrapādā) in the last month of summer there are sounds from the earth or a black wind blows, there will be famine in that country. If loud sounds arise from the intermediate directions in the middle month of summer, there will be great bloodshed in the country in that direction. If on the day of nakshatra bharani (bharaṇī) in the first month of autumn, loud noises arise from the sky, there will be harm to the nobles and ascetics. If on the day of Indra in the first month of autumn sounds arise from the sky, there will be harm for lazy people and cattle. If on the day of nakshatra dhanishtha (dhaniṣthā) in the last month of autumn there arise musical sounds from the sky, it is good for herbs and fruits. If it rains, diseases of the people will arise at the end. If on the day of nakshatra svāti (svātī) in the first month of winter loud sounds arise from the heavens and the sky is disturbed [being filled with clouds], great fear will arise in that country.
    If there is a hurricane and an earthquake on the day of nakshatra jyātī (jyeṣṭhā) in the last month of winter, there will be harm and hindrance to the ascetics and brahmins. If on the day of nakshatra purvabhadrapādā (pūrvabhadrapādā) in the first month of spring the earth is shaken by day, there will be war in that country for two years. If in the nakshatra purvashadha (pūrvāśāḍhā) in the middle month of spring the earth is shaken by day, the minister will kill the king and there will be great war in that country. If [in the period of] the power of nakshatra mulam (mūlaṁ) in the middle month of summer there is an earthquake in the evening, there will be harm to the local lord. If [during the period of] the power of nakshatra rohini (rohiṇī) in the last month of summer there is an earthquake in the evening and there is a red wind, but it does not rain, the dough and cereals become unusable and an army comes. If on the day of the nakshatra uttarabhadrapādā (uttarabhadrapādā) in the middle month of autumn there is an earthquake in the afternoon, the external enemies will defeat that king. Fear will also appear in this country because of thieves and robbers. If there is an earthquake (kārtikā) in the last month of autumn on the day of nakshatra kartikā, there will be famine and destruction in the great city and among the houses. If [during] the period of power nakshatra aśvinī and uttaraphalguṇī in the first month of winter in the evening there will be an earthquake, then there will be obstacles and harm to small children and pregnant women. If there is an earthquake on the day of nakshatra mrigashira (mṛigaśirā) and purvabhadrapāda (pūrvābhadrāpādā) in the middle month of winter, there will be obstacles and harm to travelers.
    If on the day of Indra or the day of maghā (maghā) the images in the temple shake and wobble or the earth moves, that country will be quickly destroyed. If the images in the temple move from their seats, arise that which is like silver in color, or fall, that country and the king will be subdued by other countries and the king. If the images in the temple move or tears arise from their eyes, heroes will be rare among the people of that country and a country of mothers and daughters will arise. If the images in the temple move from the seats, shake or arise as bowing in the altar room, there will be harm in the king of that country. If the great temple and houses in the area are shaken, the next day in the direction of this city other kingdoms will bring destruction or [everything will be] burnt by fire.
    If the planet-graha Jupiter arises in a pothole on the Moon, there will be harm and disappearance of well-being among people and livestock because of the king. If the Sun and Moon turn red, there will be harm to the ruler of the area. If the planet-graha Saturn appears together with the Moon, then there will be obstacles and great fear in that country. But if at such time of occurrence of such omens there will be a lunar eclipse, there will arise harm and obstacles for the great king. If Moon together with nakshatra of appearance of the first king will arise and also planet-graha Ketu together with Moon will arise, then king of this country will have conflicts with kings of nearby kingdoms. If the planet-graha Saturn, nakshatra rohani (rohaṇī), kārtikā (kārtikā) will ascend, then after all the people of that country will have great harm and obstacles, only a third of the people will remain. If the graha planet Venus, the nakshatra magha (maghā) and Jupiter ascend in the middle of the month of phalguni (phalguni), there will be damage to the crops. If the graha planet Jupiter, Venus and Saturn turn red, great fear will arise in that country. If the planet-graha Ketu appears together with nakshatra pūshya (puṣyā), after a long time a great army will appear from the four sides. If together with the nakshatra shravana (śravaṇā) the graha planet Jupiter and Mars ascend, great fear and harm will arise in that country for three years. If the graha planet Jupiter, Saturn and the nakshatra viśākhā' ascend together, many people will die in the conflict.
    If a raven dances on top of a temple or a large house or sits in indecision, there will be great conflict in that land.
    If a woman gives birth to a non-human son or also a cattle child, there will be great hindrance and harm to women in that land. If at the birth of a son in the bosom of the mother there will be shouting, talking, or laughing, there will be destruction in that country. If a one-legged or three-legged or four-legged son is born in a woman's womb, harm will come to the king of that country. If a sexless son or a hermaphrodite is born from the woman's belly, the king of that country will die. If a woman gives birth to a multi-headed child or a son of an animal, there will be destruction in that country. If a woman gives birth to a son with one head but two faces and three eyes, that country will quickly fall into destruction. If a woman gives birth to a son in the form of a four-headed kimbanda, great fear will arise in that country. If a woman gives birth to a son who has the head of a pig, destruction will come to that country from the four directions. If a woman gives birth to a child with a face like the light of the sun, destruction will come to that country because of internal conflicts. If words like the four places arise among the related children, devastation will come to that country. If a child is born from the womb when the mother does not feel it, great obstacles and harm will arise in that country. If a son like a pig or a snake is born from a woman's belly, great fear and destruction will arise in that country because of demonic influence, disease and obstacles. If a woman gives birth to a son from weak people or ordinary people, that country will become a protector and all people will also go to other destinations. If a woman gives birth to a headless son with one arm, great harm will arise in that country.
    If flowers and tree fruits appear twice in the country and sap drips from the trees and fruits, there will be hindrance and harm to the king's regent. If untimely food in the form of flowers and tree fruits appears, the king and the people of the country will be scattered in that country. If the food and the remaining fruit of the trees become good color or also drip [sap] like blood, then there will be great fear, disease and famine in that country.
    If the shade of the growing trees is on one side and does not rotate, that direction in the country will be destroyed by the great power of the host of enemies. If the growing trees look like they are moving, there will be great fear in that country. If the growing trees stand detached and shine clearly, the king of that country will [have] a short life.
    If the gods smile or speak during the offerings to the worldly gods, harm and hindrances will arise for the king. If rain of flowers descends, a red wind appears and worms fall from the sky, then devastation will arise in this country because of robbers and thieves and smoke will arise in worldly temples when fire will not disappear. If the gods also show signs and magical manifestations, the king will have obstacles and harm.
    If there will be visions like the oil of fire in the worldly temples when the oil has not yet gone out, the king's great gifts will have obstacles and harm. If passion does not arise when the king comes surrounded by the queen, the royal palace will burn up because of the fire and the king will have various kinds of misfortune.
    If a clear color of heaven arises when it rains or hails, great fear will arise in that land. If a storm surrounds the city and moves, a red wind arises and it rains approvingly, great fear will arise in that country. If when lightning arises and the rain pours, sometimes the clouds will swirl with flurries, swirl with flurries, separating, or sometimes the clouds will swirl, separating with flurries, being like a hail of gandhars, then great fear will arise in that country.
    If the moon turns red, there will be a city burnt by fire in that country and epidemics of contagious diseases. If at the red edges of the moon the center will be black, there will be great fear in that country. But even if the color of the moon will be like red ochre, but soon became white in nature, there will fall strong [hail] without wind. If a spring arises on a dried-up mountain, the harvest will be good. If smoke arises in the area while the fire is still burning, great fear will arise in the land.
    If there are lights or smoke on the arrows and bows of those around them, there will be great fear in that country because of the enemies.

    The Blessed One said thus, King Bimbisara together with his retinue praised what the Blessed One had said.
    This is how the sutra "The Twelve Visions" concludes.

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