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8.1 Time for death or not

     The first. Whether or not it is a time of death. Five, vitality, health, success, luck and element1 [of family] conflict with five such [elements] of this year.
     The stone that is discarded corresponds to the above. Establish prosperity and decline, year, month, day and time of four, vitality, health, success and good luck calculated. Establish the basis of analysis of six favorable and six bad. Calculate also the eye of nine and cemetery eye, four obstacles of mew, seven rough stones, [because] the deceased comes to his own obstacles, etc.
     Analyze all this in the appropriate [way]. If the black stone of life force, life is depleted-stopped. If a black health stone, health enters the cemetery. If black for success, then success is punctured with [uncertain] amount of food. If black for luck, the branches of luck break. If black for an element [genus], you follow the plain [elimination] of negative influences. In short, the black stone is the disappearance and destruction of longevity. It is said that with white stone there will be "Untimely Death." These are six bad ones for prosperity and decline, the disappearance of life, the removal of six obstacles favorable by virtue of obstacles. If there are seven rough, four obstacles, an eye of nine, a cemetery eye, then life is depleted, obstacles for others.
     In addition, the question of the amount of time of the deceased and all absence of the rest of life. If he died at dawn in [year] Zayz, they say that "The rest is three years." At sunrise - the rest of five years. In the morning, the rest of ten years. At noon - left due to obstacles. Afternoon is the rest of my life for two years. Early in the evening - the rest of his life is four years6. At sunset - life was depleted, food was depleted. In twilight - the rest of life one year. Late evening is the rest of my life for six months. At midnight - life is exhausted, it is time. After midnight - the rest of his life for two months. Morning twilight is the rest of your life one month. All of this is a calculation or not a time of death.

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8 Calculations about Death

     With a water stream of immortality that eliminates everything, you moisturize through life the right wisdom in a glorious heartfelt gathering that is unfiltered! I bow to the power of remembering that keep everything!
     Next [follows] an extensive description of the sequence of the happiness procedure for those who have come [to death] through calculations for the deceased. Also some wise men [speak] about hundred, ninety-nine, etc. stones, make baseless classifies. Some, in the characteristics of Chinese calculations [show] blunt in the lists of stones relative to place and person. Some, sticking to shortcomings and lack of defects, talk a lot with disappointment.
     Having carried out the complete suppression of the numerous shortcomings mentioned, I will explain by means of knowledge with real force, this method.
     Here are also nine points. The first is an explanation of thirty stones as to whether or not a time of death. Then there is one stone of parkha to carry out all of the charges and guilt. Two stones of day week and year [to define] where you move, where you will, demon eaters. Thirteen stone time to invite and no invitation for the deceased. Six stones cutting off the bliss of defeat and winning the resulting bad or good birthplace. Seventy stones of cleansing in relation to the cemetery of five elements of scandal. As well as additionally decoration [recorded] by some that follow [the deceased] in the form of three stones from points, such as the special position of corpses, the tradition of recitation for families of corpses and the direction of recitation, small or large roots of virtue with respect to the area of negative force-interference. All one hundred and twenty-five of the listed stones, are explained in summary by nine paragraphs.

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9. Conclusion

     Such is the necklace of true obligations. Possessing peacock clothing (Yeshe Valmo), which protects the Teaching, where the continuity of [explanations] and heart obligations are united! You keep this text safe, which in short form explains training in the essence of completion of this holy and deep astrological science!
     Also the first of the five main points - appears to everyone as a basis. How to practice under it? Appear as a vessel that is capable of storing [this teaching]. The tradition of establishing a procedure together with the way in which qualities arise - is combined by five points.
     First, the basis of the actions of this method. In past times, someone who knows three times (one of the names of Schenrab) proclaimed Kalachakra oral instructions. Comments on its essence - proclaimed in China the Kongtse together with followers as the numerous gate of calculations of astrological science.
     Transmission line sources are also present. Numerous sages of Shang-shung and Tibet, such as the translator Namkha Jungdrung and others, translated three, external, internal, and secret Chinese calculations. [These translations] covered China, Tibet and Shang-shung. In particular, these Bon causes were originally known as "Early" in Tibet. Some [say] that [they appeared] after Songzen Gampo, but say that "There are no records in Tibet." Therefore, the lack of use of conventional science and sublime training is claimed. All these are false words that have nothing to do with it. In the past, logically, the ruler and schenpo spread sutra and mantra. At this time, the way of liberation was explained by all in practice in the gates of the bon cause and fruit by the Tibetan. Everyone showed the essence of the deep truth. The Tibetan people who did not follow this are like birds and monkeys.
     How was the practice of characters of the desired essence formed? If you understand the essence without relying on records, how could the Victorious this country be subjugated by wisdom and criticism of dharani spells by all? If symbols were distributed without the necessary records, what is the feature of animals and Tibet? Who is acceptable as a training vessel? Therefore, if the number of followers is analysed in proportion to what clearly [gained knowledge], the obligations disappeared.
     In any case, the Extensive Game says that "What has been suppressed in the past from the knowledge and records of a noble country, explained [earlier], is not known in Tibet." What has been said is not disputed that way. Some, because of darkness, forget about questions about the foundation, which was done in their own tradition. [Therefore] there is also a self-given and own irritation relative to the designation in the form of a defect on the true essence, etc.
     How can some understand the essence of bon due to lack of training in bon? Therefore, the words regarding the correct meaning of achievement and something on the part of external [persons] are doubtful. It 's like the noise of a drunk old man or dog. Although they are numerous, they are equal.
     On the basis of science from ten such methods, an understanding of the apparent existence, enumeration and source of five small sciences is formed. But dark people explore constellation calculations and Chinese calculations. Also, happy voids, absence of manifestation in equal taste, three, external, internal and other, as a face of understanding of absolute level, are studied. Since the understanding of bad and good when possessing thoughts [regarding this] is not suppressed, this way is explained as the essence of that. We purify [our] existence with these explained texts. The wise men relate well [to him]. Because he listened to many traditions of texts and brought the highest sublime deity closer, he gave birth to wisdom, which proclaims astrological science. Also gathered a lot in small, illuminated what is hidden separately, connected together all scattered parts. [Although] did not appear a very extensive assembly, cleared the extremes of a very compressed one. [Why?] Because having done so, [showed] happiness, for all who immerse themselves [in this knowledge]. Like the way of practice that Pha Norbu is carried out, [compiled] instructions on the heart-essence of all who come to follow [this science].
     How to practice holy astrological science, what is similar? First we have to find a teaching guru. Having read the essence of nectar-amrita instructions, to train, having come to the given procedure. In the middle, follow the path of the order of external, internal and secret with respect to everything known in the apparent being. Develop understanding until the blackout about the essence of this disappears. In conclusion, everything from oral instructions, texts and tantrums will be acceptable due to throwing a great arrow of knowledge in the misfortune of the bow of wisdom. Stop inappropriate sides and achieve harmonious directions. Having analyzed well the absence of falls in directions, denote individually clear predictions that have no contradictions.
     Thus, such is the vessel that relies on this deep tradition of text, and is not a vessel. [Someone who] moisturizes the flow of [his own being] by following love and mercy. [It is someone who] is good in nature, stable in faith, who has little marring-claws, such as lazy, etc., who serves the teacher-acharya, is able to [understand] instructions, who has great diligence in what is difficult, clear wisdom, sharp senses, who from the heart honor the teaching and beings. [Someone who] possesses [such] flow [of being], guide in holy science. If a bad vessel, [it] has an acharya teacher secret, does not serve the head of the guru teacher, steals various methods of instruction, feeds on doubts about the tradition of texts, reduced in derogatory deceit, great laziness, concealed diligence, does not throw away anger and affection because of dogmas. This [should] be famous and bright, guided by the goals, does not believe in the teaching and small goals of others. [This teaching should be] secret to anyone who is not a vessel of this kind, etc. If not made secret, it would destroy a deep essence. Having done so, will bring a flaw to all meanings of words and itself and others will not touch with benefit. With arrogance, you will be content with a low-lying existence. It is therefore important that the wise man be well informed of the essence of who is the vessel and who is not.
     Then follows the tradition of establishing a procedure for this heart of astrological calculations. After presenting the defects of the science of calculation experts (Due to wine or rough nervous [tension]), at a favorable time at dawn and further in a secluded place and clean house, turn your face in a clean direction. Put the white and black base on the left and right for calculations. Put down the individual plaque cutoff stones. Before you install a multicolored table for calculations. If the mind is captured by the gods because of the amount of time for the year, month, day, time, parch, meva, planets, stars, Sadags, the lord of the place, etc., because of the possible disgust from the clear prediction of the fruit of calculations, set below [the offering], pronounce [the word] truths. By raising the golden drink, [concentrate] on the key points of the calculations without distraction (Three Gates).
     Also, rotate the order [of calculations] multiple times. It is necessary that small clear predictions of the fetus be indicated to a small extent. Use it separately to get a lot together. All explanations in extensive form gather in the heart. All collected in small quantity is divided into particles. Everything said in rough form is calculated in subtleties. When diligence is born, say what you see. It is said that good great understanding is good. They say bad understanding is bad. If you balance the bad and the good, they say about the average. When the good comes, don 't be proud. Also analyze small and small obstacles. Don 't rely on the balance of the bad. Work hard in combinations of chapters in the processed order. Higher, small and middle in calculated, good, bad and middle in clear predictions, vast, compressed, equal in order - is clarified in the text, which is clearly explained. When you throw the arrow knowledge that is not clear, explain well, possessing wisdom.
     Qualities of it are that. Through the calculation of interdependence and time states, happiness is eliminated, as higher ones, in the absence of diligence, which corresponds to the all-defying, king of lecturers and any desired hope-aspirations.
     When the future comes, what makes the immediate [explanation] clear will become hidden. And a good prediction for all will not be [presented] as any method of bodhisattv practice. All these [explanations] will cause their spread. [And bodhisattvas] will head directly to the level of the Enlightened!
     Thus ends the ninth, substantive chapter of completion from "Mirror of Being," Chinese calculations.

     [You] collect a hundred thousand rays of moonlight knowledge and love that arise near the ocean of all knowledge! Protect the pure original wisdom of the manifestation of all beings! Again and again I bow before the Lion of Speech!
     The perfect leader that [is] in the middle of the vast lotus of the heart of three kinds of faith, where someone in the view of wisdom explains this way, some work hard, and others do not immerse themselves [in your] kindness! Oh Sun of Speech, please give a hundred answers!
     I will stick and follow in the power of great love, the treasure of wisdom of those who keep this text! Sticking to, let me be filled with a shine of wisdom from the spell-dharani and criticism! Let me find a body like an indestructible swastika!
     This is a finding and a concomitant condition for veneration! Let pride, anger and passion not flourish! Let the feast of happiness and benefit for creatures and clouds of offerings spread, which rejoice the teachings and holders of teachings!
     This foundation of the pure "Mirror of Apparent Being," which derives from the ocean of perfect astrological science, is called patience because of saints that have come to pride and equality, the absence of errors from some great darkening!
     No matter how much virtue and completely pure, which is connected with all this and the right efforts, which is found at the conclusion of the sea of the era, I give so many times as conditions of sustainability!
     Fully commanding the armor of a hundred kinds of patience by virtue of awareness and fearlessness, [you sail on] the boat thanks to the wisdom that completely plunges into the ocean of many texts! Thanks to the good full arrival to addictions and the absence of them, [you] gave the higher, this way of Bon that exercises the desired!

     This "Mirror illuminating being," a complete classification of Chinese calculations, is heard many times on the threshold of astrological calculation science. She has virtue by virtue of wisdom, which explains all this according to the method. Acharya Shen, sage and siddha Lungtog Gyamzho Chhogle Namgyal made up entirely for the great school debate of Pal Namgyal Kundrag Linga, the seventh place pure assembly in Yehru. Yes there will be a benefit! Let will be successful!

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The science of astrological calculations

The mirror of revealed the existence

Explanation of Chinese astrology

(Black calculations or astrology of the elements)

1. Introduction

 I give praise to the teacher Lion of Speech!

 The one who has a hood with good drawings [signs] of well-being and jewels! One who has hands with chakra and supports the sky, being magnificent! Those who are the highest among the Siddhas, the heroes [who overcame] the demons-Mara and others! They all bow to the all-knowing, which is the object of their offerings! 
 Through diligence and the fact that he studied a lot, out of the ocean of astrological Sciences, the [treatise] "Mirror of revealed existence" was born, which is free from pollution. [Further] the divisions of this [labor] are explained.
 After this all-knowing teacher [revealed] the act of spreading the teaching, the earth goddess Tenma bestowed power with a precious vessel-vase. [And the master was] invited to the Turtle Palace, the Royal Palace of the sadags in the lower direction. [In the Palace] the king of the earth, the all-encompassing Lord, presented a Golden chakra with a thousand spokes. [Having] made an offering, he asked for the propagation of the teaching. Then the head of the teachings [Shenrab] in the full moon of the black month of the year of water-Pig, proclaimed a powerful Kalachakra for the environment of people, Nagas, gods and eight Shen who asked for [instruction in] astrological science. [Among them] were bodhisattvas, Kanakamuni, Kashyapa, and others.
 Also [the teaching] is explained in three aspects. [These include] the great Kalachakra Sutra, [which deals with] kalpas, sutras about the formation of types of the universe, etc. [Further, this is] the king of the Kalachakra tantras, [where] the equal taste of the external, internal, and other [time] is indicated. [Third, this is] Kalachakra from oral instructions, where the calculations of years, months, days and time are set.
 Also, [such as teachers] of the great successor and victorious lion of the Shakya — again and again and proclaimed [this teaching].
 If someone says: "How is this possible? There is no connection, because I did not meet the Victorious one!» There is no flaw. Thanks to the blessing of the Victorious one and the clairvoyance that is free from contamination, they will have their own power of giving unmistakable explanations. And even if they say that this is wrong, it is impossible to dispute.
 At one time, the six ornaments of Jambudvipa spread [this teaching] to all the pure lands. A little earlier, in a country called Great China, in the Eastern direction, the magic king and sage Kongtse explained three hundred and sixty calculations about changes that are based on the Kalachakra of oral instructions. [Further] from the transmission line to the sage Legtang Mangpo, Chinese calculations spread to Tibet. But the four sons (are Known as the four astrological Sciences among the four Dharmic medicines and calculations about predictions.) [science about] the universe, astrological science, from Shang-Shung, Tibet, China, etc., - do not coincide in translations and terms. But although [such differences] occur in small numbers, there is no dispute [about them]. After all, even if you make an image out of gold, it is impossible that its nature differs from gold. Therefore, one does not contradict the other. All of them [contain] the essential essence of all [others].
 [Further] some [sages] who are strong in unquestionable statements have compiled texts. [Some of these texts] were included [in the congregations], [some] of the teachings were not included. Everything that is done that is explained by science is a unity.
 First, the source of being is explained. Since the bonze way of manifestation [of phenomena] that arise in interdependence is not covered by thought, [it is divided into three aspects]: being as the original existence and its own nature; being that is made by actions; being that arises according to causes. All of them are being, which is revealed in terms of the vessel and contents by the compassion of the Enlightened and Victorious and by the benevolent manifestation of the karma of living beings.
 Also, for the sake of explaining the non-repressibility of the relative level and [demonstrating] an introduction to astrological science, the yellow lion of Speech, [showing] being, supported by charity to the universe, appeared as the Golden Turtle, the Foundation.

 So the [Golden Turtle] is lying on its back. The head points South, the tail points North. The four limbs are stretched in intermediate directions. It is said that it is the basis for the appearance of the whole world. From the flesh, blood, heat, and breath of the tortoise [manifests] being for the four great elements. From the twelve external and internal ayatanas, twelve main cycles [years] are formed. Out of the eight types of consciousness, eight parkhas are formed. From the nine holes [formed] nine Mewa. From the eight great joints, eight great planets are formed. Twenty-eight constellations are formed from twenty-eight constellations.
 Also, how do they exist?
 A tree element is formed from the liver canal in the Eastern direction. There are also Tiger, Hare, parkha Zin, Jupiter and six Eastern constellations such as Krittika, Rohini, Mrigashirsha, Aridra, Punarvasu and Pushya. The element in all of them is a tree.
 From the channel of the heart, in the southern direction, the element of fire is formed. There is also a Horse, a Snake, parkha Li, the Sun, Mars, and six southern superstars such as Magha, Purhvaphalguni, Uttaraphalguni, Hasta, Chitra, and Swati. The element in all of them is fire.
 From the channel of the lungs, in the Western direction, a metal element is formed. There are also Bird, Monkey, parkha Two, Venus and six Western constellations such as Anuradha, Jyeshtha, Mula, Purvashadha, Uttarashadha, Abhijit. They all have an element-metal.
 A water element is formed from the kidney channel in the North direction. There are also Rat, Pig, parkha Kham, the planets Moon and mercury, the six constellations of the Northern direction, such as Dhanishtha, Shatabhisha, Purvabhadrapada, Uttarabhadrapada, Revati, Ashwini. The element of them all is water. 
 The earth element is formed from the spleen channel in the intermediate directions. In the South-East is the Dragon, parka Zon, Ashlesha. In the South-West — Sheep, parkha Khon, Visakha. In the North-West — Dog, parkha Khen, shravana. In the North-East — Bull, parkha Gin, Bharani. The element in all of them is earth.
 Saturn-has the element earth and resides in four intermediate directions. Rahu-covers all and [has] completely five elements.
 In parkha Li - nine purple shining lights. In parkha Khon, there is a shady mountain, black on both sides. In parkha Da - seven blazing jewels. In parkha Khen, a white man with six Royal [virtues]. In parkha Kham — the only bubble on the water. In parkha Gin — eight white peaks of the king of mountains. There are three tree fruits in parkha Zin. There are four wind streams in parkha Zon. The yellow five is hidden in the turtle's belly.
 Among the year, month, parkha, mewa, planets, constellations, etc.-there are no Bon phenomena that are not United by the five elements. Therefore, their divisions are as follows.
 Growth [is characterized] by wood, burning-by fire, stability-by earth, rigidity-by metal, wet and liquid-by water characteristics.
 Oblong — wood, triangular-fire, square-earth, semicircle-metal. Round is explained as the shape of water.
 [As for the characteristics] of the five colors, wood is green, fire is red, earth is yellow, metal is white, and water is blue.
 [As for] the numbers of elements, wood is one, fire is two, earth is three, metal is four, and water is five.
 Five, wood, fire, earth, metal, and water - the five mothers and five sons of the elements are calculated.
 Five, fire, water, earth, wood and metal — five enemies and five friends of the elements are calculated. Also, as for the five fingers, they are distributed according to the descriptions of the five elements.
 The mother of wood is water, the mother of water is metal, the mother of metal is earth, the mother of earth is fire, the mother of fire is wood. Son of wood-fire, son of fire-earth, son of earth-metal, son of iron-water, son of water-wood. The enemy of wood is iron, the enemy of iron is fire the enemy of fire is water the enemy of water is earth the enemy of earth is wood. Each wood — land, friend of the earth — water, friend of water is fire, the other fire - iron, each iron — wood. The next up [or top] is the mother, the next down [or bottom] is the son. Grandma is the enemy. The grandson of a friend. This is the basis of all calculation rules.
 Thus ends the first Chapter - an introduction from the Black calculations of the "Mirror of manifest existence".

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The science of astrological calculations. The mirror of manifest existence

Explanation of Chinese astrology

(Black calculations or astrology of the elements)

1. Introduction
2. Preliminary actions. Actions for calculations
2.1 Element
2.2 Year
2.3 Logmen
2.4 Parkha
2.5 Mewa
2.6 Prosperity and declin
2.7 2Month
2.8 Day
2.9 Hour [or time]
2.10 2Planet
2.11 Constellation
2.12 Table of sixty years, garlands of mewa and three - higher, lower and middle
3. Calculations regarding life expectancy
3.1. A brief explanation
3.1.1 Four important stones
3.1.2 One stone for required
3.1.3 Two mandatory stones
3.1.4 Five stones of unchangeable Lungta
3.1.5 one Hundred stones associated with one hundred
3.1.6 Twenty stones for cutting off Luggage
3.1.7 Twenty five stones of prosperity and decline
3.1.8 Eight birth stones
3.2. Detailed explanation
3.2.1. The explanation of the fruit of four important gems
3.2.2. Explanation of the fruit of one necessary stone
3.2.3 explanation of the fruit of the two required gems
3.2.4 Detailed explanation of the five stones of constant luck
3.2.5. Fruit of hundreds of stones
3.2.6. Explanation of twenty cut-offs of Luggage
3.2.7 Explanation of the fruits of the twenty-five main stones of the twelve [stones] of prosperity and decline
3.2.8. Explanation of the eight birth sections Year of birth General statement Private statement Explanation of the birth section. The health element. birth Section. Lungta Cutting off and breaking Sog, Lu, Wang and Lungta Parkha Meva Planet Constellations Houses Interdependence Day
4. The calculation of obstacles-keg
4.1. Six indigenous stones
4.2. Twenty-four stones for cutting off Luggage
4.3. Four of the clearest predictions of the fetus
4.4 the Cycle of the Chinese stones
4.5. Seven rough stones
4.6. Four obstacles of the mark-meva
4.7. Eye of the nine and cemetery eye
4.7.1 Eye of the nine
4.7.2 Cemetery eye
4.8. Cord of the year, peg-frame of the earth, sky wall, earth wall
4.9. Clarification of fruit Logmen
4.10. Explanation of the fruit of the eight parkha
4.11. Analysis of parkha. Other ground
4.12 Clear prediction of the fruit of the twelve prosperity and decline
4.12.1 Six favorable
4.12.2 Six bad ones
4.13 Divisions of some bad years that are acceptable for calculations in the obstacle calculation section
4.14 Six years of small nobility, etc.
5. Marriage settlements
5.1. Fifteen meetings of harmony-correspondence
5.1.1. Discarding the gathering of brothers and sisters
5.1.2 Combinations of inharmonious years
5.1.3 Bad years
5.1.4 lifting Force
5.1.5 Received
5.1.6 Analysis of Nisha
5.1.7 Number of relationships
5.1.8 father's family
5.1.9 mother's family
5.1.10 Month of birth
5.1.11 Parkha
5.1.12 Luck of meva
5.1.13 Prosperity and decline
5.1.14 the Gates of the seat-base
5.1.15 Planets and constellations
5.2. Seventeen of the calculations the way
5.2.1 Family
5.2.2 Twenty failures
5.2.3 Path of parkha
5.2.4 Castle of meva
5.2.5 Year
5.2.6 fortress of the month Tradition
5.2.7 Bad and good days
5.2.8 explanation of the hour
5.2.9 the Bad and the good of the planet-day
5.2.10 the good and Bad of the constellation
5.2.11 Bad and good directions of the fortress
5.2.12 Unusual calculation of sky dogs
5.2.13 Calculation of related conditions of interdependence
5.3 Order of methods used
6 Calculations regarding diseases
6.1 Five main stones
6.2 Fifteen branches
6.3 Sixty small branches
6.3.1 Calculation of four coniferous trees
6.3.2 Calculation of fifteen Golden lines
6.3.3 Calculation of the increase in leaves and softness of turquoise
6.3.4 Calculating the fruit of the wish tree
6.3.5 Calculation of the house of failure and the house of glory
6.3.6 Listing the eyes of death and the eyes of murder
6.3.7 Calculating the intersection or lack of intersection of diagrams
6.4 Three hundred divisions
6.5 Sixty fruits
6.6 Addition
6.6.1 Analysis of descending Logman
6.6.2 Revenge of parkha
6.6.3 Revenge of meva
6.6.4 Revenge of days
6.6.5 Revenge of planets-days
6.6.6 Revenge of the constellations
7. Thirteen cycles of Chinese analysis
7.1 the First cycle. Cycle of Garuda, king of birds
7.2 Second cycle. Cycle of blue turquoise dragon
7.3 the Third cycle. Cycle of the white lion
7.4 the Fourth cycle. Cycle of yellow gold snake
7.5 the Fifth cycle. Cycle of stable bull
7.6 the Sixth cycle. Cycle of multicolored metal tiger
7.7 the Seventh cycle. The cycle of red celestial rat
7.8  the Eighth cycle. Cycle of loving light jewels
7.9 the Ninth cycle. Cycle of blue peacock
7.10 the Tenth cycle. Cycle of four unchangeable nails
7.11 the Eleventh cycle. Cycle of yellow gold pig
7.12 the Twelfth cycle. Cycle of precious vase
7.13 the Thirteenth cycle. Cycle of an adult wild Yak
7.14 Add-on. For those going abroad
8 Calculations about Death
8.1. Time for death or not
8.2 Stone Parkha Charges and Guilt
8.3 Stones of the day and year
8.4 Invitations and no invitation
8.4.1 Five stones of the beginning of the cycle
8.4.2 Eight stones for calculating the Bank
8.5 Six cut-off stones
8.6 Stone cleaning skandhas for cemetery of five elements.
8.7 Location of corpse species
8.8 Tradition of recitation for corpse species
8.9 The roots of virtue for the place of submission [of negative forces]
9. Conclusion

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