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Calculation of the characteristics of the year

Calculation of the characteristics of the year

     We continue to add a rebus or a constructor from the simplest cubes. In previous publications, the methods of calculating the new year or losar (Phugpa, Bon and Rebkong, Gyalpo-losar), lists of months and their start dates were considered. Now we will smoothly move on to how we can determine the other main parameters of the year. In particular, we will talk about the number of the year according to the Tibetan calendar, the animal sign, the elements wangthang, lungta, sog, lu, etc. All these calculations are quite simple, you just need to be able to count a little. Moreover, you can count on a calculator or using just a piece of paper. Also, based on these calculations, you can determine some of the characteristics of your own birth. But this will be explained in another publication.

     So. Let's start by determining the number of the year in the Tibetan calendar. Here we can use two calculation options:
- based on the year number in the Gregorian calendar (but remember that the beginning of the year in the Gregorian calendar does not coincide with the beginning of the year in the Tibetan calendar).)
- based on the month number for the first month of the Tibetan year.

     The simplest option is the first method, so we will focus on it. We will use 2019 as an example.
     So. In order.

1. The year of the Tibetan calendar

     The Tibetan calendar differs from the one used in most countries by 127 years. Therefore, we can add 127 to the year number and get the required year number, based on which further calculations will be performed.

2. The number of the Rabjung and the number of the year in it.

     Rabjuns are sixty-year cycles, the beginning of which is considered to be the year 1027 (Fire-W-Hare). The number of the rabjun and the number of the year in it are determined accordingly. The year 1027 is the year 1154 according to the Tibetan calendar. To determine the number of the year in Rabjun, we need to subtract the number of the first or base year and divide the remaining value by 60. Add 1 to the remainder, so that there is no confusion with the remainder equal to zero. You also need to add 1 to the integer, so that there is no confusion with the "zero" rabjun.
992/60=16 and the remainder 32.
16+1=17 (rabjun number)
32+1=33 (the number of the year in rabjun)

3. The number of the mekor and the year in it.

     Another variant of the definition of sixty-year cycles, which was used earlier, is called mekor. For its beginning, we can consider 2576 BC or 2449 BC (according to the Tibetan style)
     We make a similar calculation to the previous one
4595/60=76 and the remainder 35
76+1=77 (mekor number)
35+1=36 (mekor year number)

4. Determination of the metreng and meva of the year

     The meva is determined based on a large cycle of 180 years. During this cycle, three metrengs (the garland or rosary of mewa) change. Actually, the number of the metreng is not particularly important for us, but we will still count it. As we identified earlier, we have 77 mekor and 36 number in mekor. The metreng number can be determined based on the remainder of the division of the mekor number by 3. In this case, you need to add one, since there is no "zero metreng". That is, as a result, we will get a number from 1 to 3.
77/3=92 and the remainder is 2. That is, we use the third metreng.
     In order not to experience the agony of trying to determine the actual meva and not to consult the tables for calculations, we will do it in a simpler way. Since we have the third cycle of the mewa (third metreng), we can add 120 to the year number in the metreng. In that case, if we had the first metreng , we do not need to add anything. If the second metreng - to the year number in the metreng, add 60.
     Since the mevas change in the opposite direction, we must also go in the opposite direction to determine. That is, subtract from the maximum value in the cycle - the number of the year in the large cycle.
     Subtract the resulting value from 180.
     Since zero or 180 corresponds to the number 2, we add 2.
     Now we need to determine the actual meva number. Since mevs have values from 1 to 9, we divide the resulting value by 9 and look at the remainder.
26/9=2 and the remainder is 8. In the event that the remainder is zero, we substitute a nine instead of zero. So we got an eight. Look at the short list of values

Number Mewa
1 1, white
2 2, black
3 3, blue
4 4, green
5 5, yellow
6 6, white
7 7, red
8 8, white
9 9, red

     We got an eight, so mewa according to the table is 8, white.

5. Animal, gender, year direction

     Rabjuns and mekors have different beginnings, different primary years. Also in these cycles, the calculation comes from different animals and elements. So in rabjun, the calculation comes from the Fire-Hare, while the mekors are counted from the Tree-Rat. Since the mekor cycles are calculated from older times, we will use them. The sequence of years in the 12 animal cycle is as follows:

Number Animal Direction
1 Rat north (bottom)
2 Bull Northeast
3 Tiger East (top)
4 Hare East (bottom)
5 Dragon Southeast
6 Snake south (top)
7 Horse South (bottom)
8 Sheep southwest
9 Monkey west (top)
10 Bird West (bottom)
11 Dog North-west
12 Pig north (top)

     We take the year number in the cycle, divide by 12, and look at the remainder. If the remainder is 0, replace the resulting value with 12.
36/12=3 and the remainder 0. Replace with 12. We get 12. We take the data from the table and get the year of the Pig.

     Male years include: Rat, Tiger, Dragon, Horse, Monkey, Dog. To the women's: Bull, Hare, Snake, Sheep, Bird, Pig.
    The resulting year is the year of the Pig, female. We also take the directions of the year from the table and get the following data: year of the Pig, female. Direction north (top)

6. Definition of wangthang

     As many have seen, calendars often write the year of the Earth-Pig. Actually, this indication of the element can be called wangtang (success, etc.). Of course, it can be defined using tables, but this is not very convenient. To determine wang, you can also use mathematical means, and simple ones. Since when analyzing the table, you can see that the vang elements always go in pairs, we can first divide the year number in the metreng by 2.
     We get:
36/2=18 and the remainder is 0. If the remainder is not zero, then add it to the resulting value (for 2018, it would be 35/2=17 and 1. 18).
     Since we have five elements, we divide the resulting value by five and look at the remainder. At the same time, we also need to take into account that we do not have a zero element. So when we get the remainder zero, we must write the number 5. So, look:
18/5=3 and the remainder is 3.

     Checking the table of elements:

Number Element
1 tree
2 fire
3 earth
4 metal
5 water

     We get the earth. So we have a year of Earth-w-Pig.

7. The life force of the year or Sog

     To determine them, use the table:

Year Element
Tiger, Hare tree
Horse, Snake  fire
Bird, Monkey metal
Rat, Pig  water
Dog, Dragon, Bull, Sheep earth

The Year of the Pig, so the life force of the year is water.

8. Determination of the health or element of lu.

     It is easier to use a table to determine the Lu.

Element Years
Tree Earth-Dragon, Earth-Snake, Earth-Dog, Earth-Pig, Metal-Tiger, Metal-Hare, Metal-Monkey, Metal-Bird, Water-Rat, Water-Bull, Water-Horse, Water-Sheep
Fire Tree-Dragon, Tree-Snake, Tree-Dog, Tree-Pig, Fire-Tiger, Fire-Hare, Fire-Monkey, Fire-Bird, Earth-Rat, Earth-Bull, Earth-Horse, Earth-Sheep
Earth Fire-Dragon, Fire-Snake, Fire-Dog, Fire-Pig, Earth-Tiger, Earth-Hare, Earth-Monkey, Earth-Bird, Metal-Rat, Metal-Bull, Metal-Horse, Metal-Sheep
Metal Tree-Rat, Tree-Bull, Tree-Horse, Tree-Sheep, Metal-Dragon, Metal-Snake, Metal-Dog, Metal-Pig, Water-Tiger, Water-Hare, Water-Monkey, Water-Bird
Water Tree-Tiger, Tree-Hare, Tree-Monkey, Tree-Bird, Fire-Rat, Fire-Bull, Fire-Horse, Fire-Sheep, Water-Dragon, Water-Snake, Water-Dog, Water-Pig

     For our year: a tree.

9. Luck or lungta of the year, the years of harmonious triples

     We determine it by the table

Element Years
Metal Tiger, Horse, Dog
Tree Rat, Dragon, Monkey
Water Bird, Bull, Snake
Fire Pig, Sheep, Hare

     We have the year of the Pig, so the element of lungta is Fire.

10. La of year

     Since it is said that La is the mother of the life force, we remember that we have the life force of the year-water or, if we take the numerical correspondence, 5. How to determine the mother of the element? To do this, simply subtract 1 from the element number. That is, go to the previous one. If we get 0, then we need to write 5.
5-1=4. Element number four is metal. That is, La of year - Metal.

11. Special lungta of the year

     The special Lungta of the year is defined as the son of Lungta, that is, as the element following the Lungta element. We have the Lungta of the year-Fire, number 2. Add 1. If we get 6, then we need to replace it with 1.
2+1=3. The element, according to the table, is earth. Special lungta of the year: earth.

12. Five years of khayen

     To determine this type of years, we need to compare the elements. And depending on whether they coincide or not, a particular year will be determined. There are five years of this kind. These are: Khayen, Sejig, Khongnong, Kharal, Dunkhur. How do I determine if a year belongs to one of them? To do this, we need to know the life force and wangthang of the year. For the year used in the calculations, sog is water (5), wangthang is earth (3).

     If Sog and Wang are the same, it's the year of Khayen. The elements are different-so no.
     If Wang is the son of Sog (number wang+1=sog) - sejig. Check: 3+1=4. 4 is not equal to 5. Not a sejig.
     If Wang is the mother of Sog (number vang-1=sog) - Khongnong. Check: 3-1=2. 2 is not equal to 5. Not Khongnong.
     If Wang is a friend of Sog (sog number+2) - Kharal. Check. 5+2=7 or 2. Not equal to 3. Not kharal.
     If Vang is the enemy of Sog (number sog-2) - Dunkhur. Check. 5-2=3. Early 3. The Year of Dunkhur.

     Actually, this is the end of the description of the calculations related to the year. The following articles will be devoted to other topics on astrology. About all inconsistencies, errors, strange places-please write to the site administrator. There are contacts on every page

     Well, those who are too lazy to count, may well use the link with automatic calculations for the current and next year.


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