Tibetan calendar for the year according to the Tsurphu tradition
Different countries and cultural traditions have their own methods of predicting the future and learning about life. One such tradition may well include astrology. Though it is considered as a pseudo-science or fantasy, but on its basis it is possible to deduce some patterns in the life of a person, locality. country and the world. Despite the seeming vagueness in predictions, astrology uses patterns that have been observed for centuries in animate and inanimate nature. And on the basis of the found regularities various “laws” and methods of determining the fruits of actions, the appearance of trouble, etc. were built.
Below are the calendars made in accordance with the Tsurphu tradition. At the moment the calendars are filled with some common dates. Other refinements and additions will be made in the near future
Currently, a limited number of descriptions and forecasts are used in the formation of the calendar. Also, the number of cities is relatively small (in places with different geographical coordinates, the data may vary).
You can help develop the calendar by letting the administrator (or group) know what needs to be added from your point of view.
Data is automatically generated for the current and next year.
Or you can choose your city |