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Padampa Sangye. Clairvoyance from divination on stones

Clairvoyance from divination on stones

     I praise the guru, the great jewel of Phadampa!
     Meditate upon yourself as Phadampa. That at this time clairvoyance from divination by stones as knowledge may be manifested with clarity, say, “May a single stone be obtained for one person!”

     First, the direction is indicated. If a stone from the eastern direction appears, [there may be] harm from the gyalpo in the form of provocation-afflictions. Make offerings to the gyalpo. If a stone from the southern direction appears, [there may be] harm from mamo and the demon of death-yama. Favorable for the realization of thoughts, predictions of income and food. If a stone from the western direction appears, [possible] harm from nagas and Tseng spirits. Perform ritual with crossed lines because of rakshasi. For women is a middle [prediction]. If a stone from the northern direction appears, [possible] harm from the demons Mara and gyalpo. Make offerings to the demons-mara and gyalpo.
     Now follow the instructions on color. Here [possible] harm from the deity from one's own prayers. Therefore one should prepare a welcoming impure feast.
     If a yellow stone appears, harm from the gyalpo and theurang. Produce sounds and carry out state [or national] affairs. If a red stone appears, carry out offerings to the Jewels and the spirits of the Tzens. If a black stone appears, harm from the demon-Mara. If a blue stone appears, harm from the Nagas and make offerings to the Nagas. Perform discarding, take out the torma and prepare the vase of the Nagas. If a white stone appears, perform the ritual of crossed threads for the nine gyalpo and rakshasi. If it appears half yellow and half red, harm from the spirits of the Tsen and Gyalpo. If half red and half blue appear, harm from the Nagas and Mara demons. If a round stone appears - thoughts will be realized.
     If a red stone appears - it will be favorable because of the discarding of everything from mo divination.
     Let there be good!

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