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Padampa Sangye. Divination-mo five fingers

Five-finger divination

     The thumb is the element of wood. Index finger - element of fire. Middle finger - element of earth. The ring finger is the element of metal. The little finger is the element of water.
     If the thumb is pointed first: The prediction about the provocation of negative forces is as follows: There will be harm from the lords of the area (sa bdag), gyalpo and rakshasi. If there is heaviness and pain in the shoulders and teeth marks of predators on the neck, there will be a disease of unclear consciousness. For those who are evil and impure pure water and mindfulness will be granted. There will be the receiving of the polluted and impure. There will be benefit from the realization of purification and repentance.

     If the index finger is pointed first: The prediction about the provocation of negative forces is as follows: There will be harm from the spirits of Tsen and Mamo. If there is a disease of the eyes and tongue, you will stay with one strong suffering in samsara. If it has arisen before, it may arise later. If it has not arisen, it will manifest. Perform various kinds of rituals and various kinds of service. Repel the countenance of demon-nagas, nagas and Tseng spirits.
     If the middle finger is pointed first: The prediction of the provocation of negative forces is: There will be harm from gyalpo and demon-mara. If there will be fast-flowing diseases, there will be disputes and hesitation. Perform the ritual of crossed threads of six white threads and avert the countenance of the mara demons.
     If the ring finger is pointed first: The prediction of provocation of negative forces is as follows: There will be harm from the spirits of Tsen, demonesses dremo, rakshasa earth (worms), rakshasa trees (insects in trees). As for diseases, there may be dropsy, there will be decay of strength and blood. Do not go anywhere as long as there are grudges and squabbles. Perform rituals of nagas and nasty spirits of senmo. If you are a man, you will be weakened by the powerful spirits of tsen.
     If at first it will be pointed to the little finger: The prediction about the provocation of negative forces is as follows: There will be harm from the spirits of Men and Mamo. There will be harm because of a woman from the gathered guests. You will receive harm by being defeated by rakshasi and the face of the lords of the area (sa bdag). If a black rock appears near the house, do not go towards it. Perform the rituals of the lords of the locality and (planting) trees for the rakshasas of the earth (worms).
     Thus concludes the divination-mo of five fingers, compiled by Phadampa Sangye.
     Translated by the lazy yogi Karma Paljor on a very ordinary day

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