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Calculation of the new year according to the Tsurphu tradition

Calculation of the new year according to the Tsurphu tradition

     The calculations related to Tibetan calendars are often based on the ideas presented in the Kalachakra Tantra. In this case, some interpretations may differ, which then changes the very structure of the calendar and the methods of calculation. If in the usual Tibetan calendar the 33rd month of each cycle is inserted, then in the Tsurphu calendar the correspondence 67 average lunar months=65 average solar months is used. At the same time it should be taken into account that from the point of view of classical astronomy it will still lead to some errors in calculations, as the synodic period of the Moon's revolution is 29.530588 days. Accordingly, further as constant values (which is also some error that can be accumulated in Tibetan calendars due to the peculiarities of mathematics and approach) the synodic period of the Moon's revolution will be used.
     For convenience in determining the number of past lunar months, we will also use data on Julian dates, which may allow to some extent to increase the accuracy of calculations for determining the number of lunar months and some dates. The second main problem to consider is the need to determine the starting point of the calculations. Since the Tsurphu calendar has been changed several times, if history is to be believed, the date of July 26, 1854 (the sixth lunar month) will be taken as the starting point of the calculation. This is due to the fact that on this day begins the first day of the lunar month after the actual appearance of an additional month.
     About correspondence of lunar and solar months a little was written above. However it is also necessary to take into account, when in this case lunar months are added, but it does not happen every year. So the second lunar additional month will be at the end of the period, that is it will have number 67. Accordingly, the first lunar additional month will be the 33rd month in this cycle of 67 months.
     So, further on the example of several years (2003, 2004, 2023, 2024, 2025) we will show calculations, allowing to determine the date of occurrence of Losars. The date from which the calculations will be made will be taken arbitrarily, so that such date does not coincide with a possible losar (new year). The first of March of each of the specified years will be used as such date. Also, to demonstrate the situation when there will be a different value in paragraph 6.3, a date for calculations will be added: September 1, 2025
     So, the sequence of actions is as follows:
1. determine the Julian date of the base date. To determine the Julian date there are many different services on the web and descriptions in astronomy collections, so the sequence will not be described here.
     For July 26, 1854 the Julian day number will be 2398425
2- Determine the Julian dates (Julian day number) for the given years
August 1, 2003 2452852
August 1,2004  2453218
August 1,2023  2460157
August 1,2024  2460523
August 1,2025  2460888
Sept. 1, 2025 2460919
August 1,2033 2463810
3. determine the number of days that have passed from the base date
August 1, 2003
2452852-2398425  54427
August 1, 2004  2453218-2398425  54793
August 1, 2023 2460157-2398425  61732
August 1, 2024 2460523-2398425 62098
August 1, 2025 2460888-2398425 62463
Sept. 1, 2025 2460919-2398425
August 1, 2033 2463810-2398425 65385
4. Determine the number of lunar months that have passed since the base date. And allocate the whole part
August 1, 2003 54427/29,530588 1843
August 1, 2004 54793/29,530588 1855
August 1, 2023 61732/29,530588
August 1, 2024 62098/29,530588 2102
August 1, 2025 62463/29,530588 2115
Sept. 1, 2025 62494/29,530588 2116
August 1, 2033 65385/29,530588
5. Determine the number of double lunar months that have passed since the beginning of the base date by dividing by 67 and separating the whole part and the remainder. One must be added to the remainder to get rid of the zero month error and inaccuracy in determining the last month of the cycle
August 1, 2003 1843/67 27 35
August 1, 2004 1855/67 27 47
August 1, 2023 2090/67 31 14
August 1, 2024 2102/67 31 26
August 1, 2025 2115/67 31 39
Sept. 1, 2025 2116/67 31 40
August 1, 2033 2214/67 33 4
6. To reduce to the 1-12 dimension, we need to perform several operations. 
6.1 We remove data on pairs of double months by subtracting the posterior number of past cycles of 67 months each
August 1, 2003 1843-27*2 1789
August 1, 2004 1855-27*2 1801
August 1, 2023 2090-31*2 2028
August 1, 2024 2102-31*2 2040
August 1, 2025 2115-31*2 2053
Sept. 1, 2025 2116-31*2
August 1, 2033 2214-33*2 2148
6.2 Subtract the data for the only additional month. This is done when the remainder of the division by 67 (with an additional unit) is not equal to 33 or 67. In this case, it is better to take another date for calculations with an offset of one and a half months in one or the other direction
If the remainder is less than 33, there is no need to subtract one month. If it is more than 32 - subtract one month
August 1, 2003 1789 (34) 1 1788
August 1, 2004  1801 (46) 1 1800
August 1, 2023  2028 (13) 0 2028
August 1, 2024  2040 (25) 0 2040
August 1, 2025  2053 (38) 1 2052
Sept. 1, 2025 2054 (39) 1 2053
August 1, 2033   2148 (4) 0 2148
6.3 Divide the result by 12 and subtract only the remainder
August 1, 2003 1788/12 0
August 1, 2004  1800/12 0
August 1, 2023  2028/12 0
August 1, 2024  2040/12 0
August 1, 2025  2052/12 0
Sept. 1, 2025 2053/12 1
August 1, 2033   2148/12 0
6.4 Recall that the primary date was the sixth month, so we need to add 6 to the result we get
August 1, 2003 6
August 1, 2004 6
August 1, 2023 6
August 1, 2024 6
August 1, 2025
1 сентября 2025 7
August 1, 2033 6
7. To determine the date of Losar celebration in the specified years, we need to do the following: analyze the possibility of additional months between the specified month and the beginning of the year. To do this, we need to analyze the remainder of point 5.
August 1, 2003 6 л.м. 34
August 1, 2004 6 л.м. 46
August 1, 2023 6 л.м. 13
August 1, 2024  6 л.м. 25
August 1, 2025 6 л.м. 
Sept. 1, 2025 7 л.м.  39
August 1, 2033 6 л.м 4
8. If the remainder is less than the month number, it means that there was an additional month and the additional unit must be subtracted when determining the new month number for Losar
August 1, 2003 6 л.м нет 0
August 1, 2004 6 л.м. нет 0
August 1, 2023 6 л.м. нет 0
August 1, 2024 6 л.м. нет
August 1, 2025 6 л.м. нет 0
Sept. 1, 2025 7 л.м. нет 0
August 1, 2033 6 л.м. да -1
9. If there is a probability of crossing the number 33 in the remainder or the result is 33 when subtracting the number of the month, you must subtract an additional unit
August 1, 2003  6 л.м. да  34 -1
August 1, 2004  6 л.м. нет 46  0
August 1, 2023  6 л.м. нет 13  0
August 1, 2024  6 л.м. нет 25 0
August 1, 2025  6 л.м. да
Sept. 1, 2025 7 л.м. да 39 -1
August 1, 2033  6 л.м. нет 4 0
10. Then we determine the actual month number taking into account items 4, 7, 8, 9 and adding the correction factor 1 (there is no zero month).
August 1, 2003 54427/29,530588 1+1843-6+0-1 1837
August 1, 2004 54793/29,530588 1+1855-6+0 1850
August 1, 2023 61732/29,530588 1+2090-6+0 2085
August 1, 2024 62098/29,530588
August 1, 2025 62463/29,530588 1+2115-6+0-1 2109
(Sept. 1, 2025) 62494/29,530588 1+2116-7+0-1 2109
August 1, 2033 65385/29,530588 1+2214-6-1 2208
11. determine the Julian day number for the beginning of the month plus a five-day offset by multiplying the result by the Moon's synodic period of revolution and adding the base date number
(August 1, 2003) 1837*29,530588+2398425+5 2452677,69 (Feb. 6, 2003)
(August 1,2004) 1850*29,530588+2398425+5 2453061,588 (Feb. 25, 2004)
(August 1,2023) 2085*29,530588+2398425+5 2460001,276  (Feb. 25, 2023)
(August 1,2024) 2097*29,530588+2398425+5 2460355,643 (Feb. 14, 2024)
(August 1,2025) 2109*29,530588+2398425+5
(Feb. 3, 2025)
(Sept. 1, 2025) 2109*29,530588+2398425+5 2460710,01  (Feb. 3, 2025)
(August 1,2033) 2208*29,530588+2398425+5 2463633,538 (Feb. 4, 2033)
Use calendars and online directories to determine the nearest new moons (the date should be smaller)
(August 1, 2003) (Feb. 6, 2003) Feb. 01, 2003
(August 1, 2004) (Feb. 25, 2004) January 22, 2004
(August 1, 2023) (Feb. 25, 2023) February 20, 2023
(August 1, 2024) (Feb. 14, 2024) February 10, 2024
(August 1,2025) (Feb. 3, 2025)
Jan. 29, 2025
(Sept. 1, 2025) (Feb. 3, 2025) Jan. 29, 2025
(August 1, 2033) (Feb. 4, 2033) Jan. 31, 2033
     And further we determine according to time of new moon and beginning of day according to the Tibetan calendar.
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