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Library - Kangyur


Number Name Tibetan Sanskrit Location Status
504 Bringing mantra into medicine when medicine is bestowed sman gtong ba'i tshe sman la sngags kyis gdab pa - da 286a6-286a7  
505 Noble [teaching]. Intimate special place of the immeasurable vast palace of great treasure. A sacred and secret ritual. Dharani - The Secret King 'phags pa nor bu chen po rgyas pa'i gzhal med khang shin tu rab tu gnas pa gsang ba dam pa'i gsang ba'i cho ga zhib mo'i rgyal po zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-mahā-maṇivipula-vimāna-supratiṣṭhita-guhya-parama-rahasya-kalpa-rājā-nāma-dhāraṇī da 286b1-309a6  
506 Noble [teaching]. Sutra of the Great Vehicle, the heart of the blessing of all Tathagatas. Dharani "Box of Secret Relics" 'phags pa de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi byin gyis rlabs kyi snying po gsang ba ring bsrel gyi za ma tog ces bya ba'i gzungs theg pa chen po'i mdo ārya-sarva-tathāgata-adhiṣṭhāna-hṛdaya-guhya-dhātu-karaṇḍa-nāma-dhāraṇī-mahāyāna-sūtra na 1b1-7b3.  
507 Dharani of one hundred thousand ornaments of the heart of enlightenment byang chub kyi snying po'i rgyan 'bum gyi gzungs bodhi-garbha-laṁkara-lakṣa-dhāraṇī na 7b3-8b6.  
508 Noble [teaching]. Dharani Rasmivimala "Perfectly pure light" 'phags pa 'od zer dri ma med pa rnam par dag pa'i 'od ces bya ba'i gzungs ārya-rasmi-vimala-viśuddhe-prabhā-nāma-dhāraṇī na 8b6-18b3.  
509 Noble [teaching]. Great Vehicle Sutra "The Twelve Enlightened Ones" 'phags pa sangs rgyas bcu gnyis pa zhes bya ba'i theg pa chen po'i mdo ārya-dvadaśa-buddhakaṁ-nAma-mahāyāna-sūtra na 18b3-22a1.  
510 Noble [teaching]. The Seven Enlightened Ones Great Vehicle Sutra 'phags pa sangs rgyas bdun pa zhes bya ba'i theg pa chen po'i mdo ārya-sapta-buddhakaṁ-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra na 22a1-25b7.  
511 Noble [teaching]. Dharani - Possession of parts of all the Enlightened Ones 'phags pa sangs rgyas thams cad kyi yan lag dang ldan pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-sarva-buddha-aṅgavatī-nāma-dhāraṇī na 26a1-27b1.  
512 Noble [teaching]. List of teachings from Dharani - Heart of the Enlightened One 'phags pa sangs rgyas kyi snying po zhes bya ba'i gzungs kyi chos kyi rnam grangs ārya-buddha-hṛdayaṁ-nāma-dhāraṇī-dhārma-viparyāya na 27b2-29b6.  
513 Noble [teaching]. Dharani - Heart of the Enlightened One 'phags pa sangs rgyas kyi snying po zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-buddha-hṛdayaṁ-nāma-dhāraṇī na 29b6-31a6.  
514 Noble [teaching]. Dharani - Building of flowers 'phags pa me tog brtsegs pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-puṣpakūṭa-nāma-dhāraṇī na 31a6-33b2.  
515 Dharani - noble Vimala 'phags pa dri ma med pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-vimala-nāma-dhāraṇī na 33b2-37a5.  
516 Noble [teaching]. Dharani - Sandal Pieces 'phags pa tsan dan gyi yan lag ces bya ba'i gzungs ārya-candana-aṅga-nāma-dhāraṇī na 37a5-39a2.  
517 Dharani heart ritual of interdependent arising 'phags pa rten cing 'brel bar 'byung ba'i snying po'i cho ga'i gzungs . ārya-pratītya-samutpāda-hṛdaya-vidhi-dhāraṇī na 39a2-41a6.  
518 Sutra of the Great Vehicle. Noble interdependent emergence 'phags pa rten cing 'brel bar 'byung ba zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo ārya-pratītya-samutpāda-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra na 41a6-42a3.  
519 Noble [teaching]. The heart of interdependent occurrence 'phags pa rten cing 'brel bar 'byung ba'i snying po zhes bya ba ārya-pratītya-samutpāda-hṛdaya-nāma na 42a3-42a6.  
520 Noble [teaching]. Dharani Jnanolki - Complete purification of all beings 'phags pa ye shes ta la la zhes bya ba'i gzungs 'gro ba thams cad yongs su sbyong ba ārya-jñānolko-nāma-dharaṇī-sarva-gati-pariśodhanī na 42a6-43b4.  
521 Noble [teaching]. Dharani - Great Mahindra 'phags pa sa'i dbang po zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-mahā-mahīndra-nāma-dhāraṇī na 43b4-45a1.  
522 Dharani - noble Nishchaya 'phags pa gdon mi za ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs - na 45a1-45a6.  
523 Dharani - Realization Through the Infinite Gateway 'phags pa sgo mtha' yas pas bsgrub pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-ananta-mukha-sādhāka-nāma-dhāraṇī na 45a6-54a1  
524 Dharani - Six noble gates 'phags pa sgo drug pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-ṣaṇ-mukha-nāma-dhāraṇī na 54a1-54b4. Translated
525 Noble [teaching]. Sutra of the Great Vehicle "King of the description of the qualities of all phenomena" 'phags pa chos thams cad yon tan bkod pa'i rgyal po zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo ārya-sarva-dharma-guṇa-vyūha-rāja-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra na 54b4-70a7.  
526 Noble [teaching]. Supreme Dharani - Lamp of the King of the Mantra of Knowledge 'phags pa rig sngags kyi rgyal po sgron ma mchog gi gzungs ārya-agra-pradīpa-dhāraṇī-vidyā-rāja na 70b1-73b3.  
527 Noble [teaching]. Great dharani 'phags pa gzungs chen po ārya-mahā-dhāraṇī na 73b3-75b6.  
528 Noble [teaching]. Sutra of the Great Vehicle. Perfection of Wisdom - Small Entries 'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa yi ge nyung ngu zhes bya ba'i theg pa chen po'i mdo ārya-svalpākṣara-prajñā-pāramitā-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra na 75b6-77a7. Translated
529 Blessed One. Hearts of the Perfection of Wisdom bcom ldan 'das ma shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i snying po bhagavatī-prajñā-pāramitā-hṛdaya na 77b1-78b3. Translated
530 One hundred and eight names of the Enlightened One, the Blessed One, along with the mantra-dharani sangs rgyas bcom ldan 'das kyi mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa gzungs sngags dang bcas pa buddha-bhagavān-aṣṭaśata-nāma-dhāraṇī na 78b4-82b3.  
531 Dharani - Heart of the noble Shakyamuni 'phags pa sh'akya thub pa'i snying po'i gzungs - na 82b3-82b4.  
532 Dharani - Heart of the noble Vairochana 'phags pa rnam par snang mdzad kyi snying po zhes bya ba'i gzungs - na 82b4-82b7.  
533 Remembering Chandraprabha's Name zla ba'i 'od kyi mtshan rjes su dran pa - na 82b7-83a2.  
534 Remembrance of the Heart of All Tathagatas de bzhin gshegs pa'i spyi'i snying po rjes su dran pa - na 83a2-83a3.  
535 Remembrance of the name Buddha-ratna-ushnisha sangs rgyas rin chen gtsug tor can gyi mtshan rjes su dran pa - na 83a3-83a5  
536 Dharani "Cloud of offerings" mchod pa'i sprin zhes bya ba'i gzungs pūjā-megha-nāma-dhāraṇī na 83a5-83b3  
537 Prostration mchod pa'i sprin zhes bya ba'i gzungs - na 83a5-83b3.  
538 Hymn-Praise mchod pa'i sprin zhes bya ba'i gzungs - na 83a5-83b3  
539 Blessing of Offerings mchod pa'i sprin zhes bya ba'i gzungs - na 83a5-83b3  
540 Clouds of Offering Rise mchod pa'i sprin zhes bya ba'i gzungs - na 83a5-83b3.  
541 Offering to all Tathagatas, service and bowing of the head at the feet mchod pa'i sprin zhes bya ba'i gzungs - na 83a5-83b3.  
542 Dharani of Precious Symbol rin po che'i brdar ba'i gzungs - na 83a5-83b3.  
543 Noble [teaching]. Dharani "Lotus Eye" 'phags pa pad ma'i spyan zhes bya ba'i gzungs - na 83b3-83b5.  
544 Dharani "Surupa" su r'u pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs или gzugs legs zhes bya ba’I gzungs surūpa-nāma-dhāraṇī na 83b5-84a3.  
545 Noble [teaching]. Dharani "Liberation from the Eight Great Fears" 'phags pa 'jigs pa chen po brgyad las sgrol ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-ṛa*ṭa-mahā-bhaya-tāra-ani-nāma-dhāranī na 84a3-84b3.  
546 Noble [teaching]. Dharani - Special 'phags pa khyad par can zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-viśeṣavati-nāma-dhāraṇī na 84b3-87a7.  
547 Root Tantra of the Noble Manjushri 'phags pa 'jam dpal gyi rtsa ba'i rgyud ārya-mañjuśrī-mūla-tantra na 87b1-351a6.  
548 Great King of Tantra "Reaching [the level of] a single hero" dpa' bo gcig bu grub pa zhes bya ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po siddhi-ekavīra-mahā-tantra-rājā-nāma pa 1b1-13a6.  
549 Dharani - What is said personally by the noble Manjushri 'phags pa 'jam dpal gyi zhal nas gsungs pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-mañjuśrīsvākhyāto-nāma-dhāraṇī pa 13a6-13b4.  
550 Dharani "Oath of the noble Manjushri" 'phags pa 'jam dpal gyis dmod btsugs pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs - pa 13b5-14a5.  
551 Dharani of Manjushri's Obligations 'jam dpal gyis dam bcas pa'i gzungs - pa 14a5-14b1.  
552 Name of the noble Manjushri 'phags pa 'jam dpal gyi mtshan - pa 14b1-14b2.  
553 Dharani - Increasing the mind and wisdom of the saintly noble Manjushri rje btsun 'phags pa 'jam dpal gyi shes rab dang blo 'phel ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs rya-mañjuśrībhāṭṭārakasya-prajñā-buddhivardhana-nāma-dhāraṇī pa 14b3-14b7.  
554 Dharani of Manjushri's single syllable 'jam dpal gyi yi ge 'bru gcig pa'i gzungs - pa 14b7-15a4.  
555 Anthem of the Blessed One for Manjushrikatu bcom ldan 'das kyis 'jam dpal rnon po la bstod pa - pa 15a4-15b6.  
556 Hymn of the Eight Virgins for Manjushri-Vakyashvara 'jam dpal ngag gi dbang phyug la bu mo brgyad kyis bstod pa или bu mo brgyad kyis bstod pa - pa 15b6-16a4  
557 Noble [teaching]. "One Hundred and Eight Names of the Perfection of Wisdom" 'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa zhes bya ba ārya-prajñā-pāramitā-nāma-aṣṭaśatakaṁ pa 16a4-17b4 Translated
558 Noble [teaching]. Perfection of wisdom "Kaushika" 'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa kau shi ka zhes bya'o ārya-kauśika-prajñā-pāramitā-nāma pa 17b4-18b7. Translated
559 Noble [teaching]. Sutra of the Great Vehicle "The King of Writing the Sutras of the Supreme All-Conquering Suvarnaprabhi" 'phags pa gser 'od dam pa mchog tu rnam par rgyal ba'i mdo sde'i rgyal po theg pa chen po'i mdo tAshinkyinkwangmyautsaishinwangkyin pa 19a1-151a7.  
560 Noble [teaching]. Sutra of the Great Vehicle "The Mighty King of Sutra Writing Suvarnaprabha" phags pa gser 'od dam pa mdo sde'i dbang po'i rgyal po zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo ārya-suvarṇṇa-prabhā-sottama-sūtrendra-rāja-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra pa 151b1-273a7.  
561 Noble [teaching]. Sutra of the Great Vehicle "Suvarnaprabha, the mighty king of the writing of the sutras" 'phags pa gser 'od dam pa mdo sde'i dbang po'i rgyal po zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo ārya-suvarṇa-prabhā-sottama-sūtrendra-rāja-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra pha 1b1-62a7.  
562 Sutra "Perfect Destruction in the Great Void" stong chen mo rab tu 'joms pa zhes bya ba'i mdo или ’phags pa stong chen po rab tu 'joms pa zhes bya ba'i mdo mahā-sahasra-pramardana-nāma-sūtra pha 63b1-87b1.  
563 The Queen of the Mantra of Knowledge, Mahamayuri rig sngags kyi rgyal mo rma bya chen mo mahā-māyūrī-vidyā-rājī pha 87b1-117a5.  
564 Noble [teaching]. Queen of the Mantra of Guidance "Supreme Essence of Mayuri" 'phags pa rig sngags kyi rgyal mo rma bya'i yang snying zhes bya ba или rma bya'i rig pa dang bcas pa ārya-mayūra-vidyā-garbhe-nāma pha 117a5-117b4.  
565 Noble [teaching]. The queen of knowledge, the great Pratisara 'phags pa rig pa’i rgyal mo so sor 'brang ba chen mo ārya-mahā-pratisarā-vidyā-rājī pha 117b4-138b5  
566 Sutra of the great Shitavani bsil ba'i tshal chen po'i mdo mahā-śītavanī-sūtra pha 138b6-150b1.  
567 Sutra of Mantra-anudharini gsang sngags chen po rjes su 'dzin pa'i mdo mahā-mantra-anudhāriṇi-sūtra pha 150b2-156a6.  
568 Dharani "Noble Marici" 'phags ma 'od zer can zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-mārīcī-nāma-dhāraṇī pha 156b1-158b2.  
569 The king of insight, arising from the tantra of the appearance of the illusory Marici sgyu ma'i 'od zer can 'byung ba'i rgyud las phyung ba'i rtog pa'i rgyal po zhes bya ba māyā-mārīcī-jāta-tantrād-uddhītraṁ-kalpo-rājā-nāma pha 158b2-186a3.  
570 Noble [teaching]. Great Queen of the Mantra of Conduct "Victorious 'phags pa rig sngags kyi rgyal mo chen mo rgyal ba can zhes bya ba ārya-jayavatī-nāma-mahā-vidyā-rājā pha 186a3-191b3.  
571 Noble [teaching]. Dharani "Victorious" 'phags pa rgyal ba can zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-jayavatī-nāma-dhāraṇī pha 191b4-195a5.  
572 Noble [teaching]. Dharani "Giving Empowerment" 'phags pa dbang bskur ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-abhiśiñcani-nāma-dhāraṇī pha 195a6-196b4.  
573 Noble [teaching]. Dharani "Decorated" 'phags pa dbyig dang ldan pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-hiraṇya-vatī-nāma-dhāraṇī pha 196b4-198a6.  
574 Noble [teaching]. Mantra of Reference "Eliminating Poisons" 'phags pa dug sel zhes bya ba'i rig sngags ārya-jiguli-nāma-vidyā pha 198a6-199a3.  
575 Used for reading. Queen of Guidance "Blessed Noble Pratisara" bklags pas 'grub pa bcom 'das ma 'phags ma sor mo can zhes bya ba rig pa'i rgyal mo - pha 199a3-200a2.  
576 Dharani - The Noble Mother of all phenomena 'phags pa chos thams cad kyi yum zhes bya ba'i gzungs или chos thams cad kyi yum zhes bya ba'i gzungs āryā-sarva-dharma-mātṛkā-nāma-dhāraṇī pha 200a2-200a7  
577 Dharani of noble Chudamani 'phags pa gtsug gi nor bu zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-cūḍamaṇi-nāma-dhāraṇī pha 200a7-202a2.  
578 Noble [teaching]. Mantra-reference of six syllables 'phags pa yi ge drug pa'i rig sngags ārya-ṣaḍakṣari-vidyā pha 202a3-202b5.  
579 Dharani of Noble Perfection of Wisdom in One Hundred Thousand Verses 'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa stong phrag brgya pa'i gzungs или shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa stong phrag brgya pa'i gzungs - pha 202b5-203a1. Translated
580 Dharani of noble Perfection of Wisdom in twenty five thousand [lines] 'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa stong phrag nyi shu lnga pa'i gzungs - pha 203a1-203a3. Translated
581 Dharani of noble Perfection of Wisdom in Eight thousand [stanzas] 'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa brgyad stong pa'i gzungs - pha 203a3-203a5. Translated
582 Dharani of the heart of the six Perfections pha rol tu phyin pa drug bzung bar 'gyur ba'u gzungs -

pha 203b1-203b5

583 Dharani of maintaining [in memory] the six Perfections

pha rol tu phyin pa drug gi snying po'i gzungs

- pha 203a5-203b1  
584 Dharani of Acquiring Ten Perfections pha rol tu phyin pa bcu thob par 'gyur ba'i gzungs - pha 203b5-203b6.  
585 Dharani for attaining the four immeasurable tshad med pa bzhi thob par 'gyur ba'i gzungs - pha 203b6-204a1.  
586 Dharani for memorizing the Perfection of Wisdom in eight thousand [lines] shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa stong phrag brgya ba bzung bar 'gyur ba'i gzungs - pha 204a1-204a3.  
587 Dharani for keeping [in memory] the noble Amatamsaka Sutra 'phags pa phal po che bzung bar 'gyur ba'i gzungs - pha 204a3-204a4  
588 Heart of the noble Ghangdavyuha 'phags pa sdong po bkod pa'i snying po - pha 204a5-204a6.  
589 Dharani for memorizing the noble sutra of the king of deep concentration .'phags pa ting nge 'dzin rgyal po'i mdo bzung bar 'gyur ba'i gzungs - pha 204a6-204b1.  
590 Heart of the noble Mahamayuri 'phags pa rma bya chen mo'i snying po - pha 204b1-204b1.  
591 Noble [teaching]. Dharani for memorizing Mahapratisara 'phags pa so sor 'brang ma chen mo bzung bar 'gyur ba'i gzungs - pha 204b1-204b3.  
592 Noble [teaching]. Dharani for reciting all the sutras of the Procession to Lanka 'phags pa lang kar gshegs pa mdo thams cad bklags par 'gyur ba'i gzungs - pha 204b3-204b7.  
593 Noble [teaching]. Possessing a white umbrella, emerging from the Ushnisha of all Tathagatas, the great queen of the mantra of knowledge "casting away all inappropriate" 'phags pa de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi gtsug tor nas byung ba gdugs dkar mo can zhes bya ba gzhan gyis mi thub ma phyir zlog pa'i rig sngags kyi rgyal mo chen mo ārya-sarva-tathāgatoṣṇīṣa-sitātapatrā-nāma-aparājita-pratyaṁ-gira-mahā-vidyā-rājī pha 205a1-212b6.  
594 Noble [teaching]. Arising from the Ushnisha of all Tathagatas, possessing a white umbrella [goddess] that is not obstructed by others, dharani "The highest achievement of the great rejection" 'phags pa de bzhin gshegs pa'i gtsug tor nas byung ba'i gdugs dkar mo can gzhan gyis mi thub ma phyir zlog pa chen mo mchog tu grub pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-tathāgatoṣṇīṣa-sitātapatre-aparājitā-mahā-pratyaṁ-gira-paramasiddhi-nāma-dhāraṇī pha 212b7-219a7.  
595 Noble [teaching]. Possessing a white umbrella, arising from the Ushnisha of all Tathagatas. Dharani "Not beaten by others" 'phags pa de bzhin gshegs pa'i gtsug tor nas byung ba'i gdugs dkar mo can gzhan gyis mi thub ma zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-tathāgatoṣṇīṣa-sitātapatre-aparājitā-nāma-dhāraṇī pha 219a7-224b2.  
596 Noble [teaching]. Possessing a white umbrella, arising from the Ushnisha of all Tathagatas. dharani "Not being oppressed by others" 'phags pa de bzhin gshegs pa'i gtsug tor nas byung ba'i gdugs dkar mo can gzhan gyis mi thub ma zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-tathāgatoṣṇīṣa-sitātapatre-nāma-aparājitā-dhāraṇī pha 224b2-229b7.  
597 Dharani "All-conquering Ushnisha of all Tathagatas" together with the realization de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi gtsug tor rnam par rgyal ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs rtog pa dang bcas pa arva-tathāgata-uṣṇīṣa-vijaya-nāma-dhāraṇī-kalpaṁ-sahitā pha 230a1-237b4.  
598 Dharani "All-conquering Ushnisha of all Tathagatas" together with the realization de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi gtsug tor rnam par rgyal ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs rtog pa dang bcas pa sarva-tathāgatoṣṇīṣa-vijayā-nāma-dhāraṇī-kalpa-sahitā pha 237b4-242a6.  
599 Dharani "All-conquering Ushnisha of all Tathagatas" together with the realization de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi gtsug tor rnam par rgyal ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs rtog pa dang bcas pa или 'phags pa gtsug tor rnam par rgyal ba'i gzungs rtog pa dang bcas pa sarva-tathāgata-uṣṇīṣa-vijayā-nāma-dhāraṇī-kalpa-sahitā pha 242a6-243b1.  
600 Noble [teaching]. Complete purification of all base beings. Dharani "All-conquering Ushnisha 'phags pa ngan 'gro thams cad yongs su sbyong ba gtsug tor rnam par rgyal ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-sarva-durgati-pariśodhani-uṣṇiṣa-vijaya-nāma-dhāraṇī pha 243b1-248a3.  
601 Comprehension of the "Dharani of the All-conquering Ushnishi of all Tathagatas" de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi gtsug tor rnam par rgyal ma'i gzungs zhes bya ba'i rtog pa sarva-tathāgatoṣṇīṣa-vijayā-nāma-dhāraṇī-kalpa pha 248a3-250a5.  
602 Rays of light entering the gate from all directions. Heart of all Tathagatas as an uncontaminated manifestation of Ushnishi and Dharani "Perfect Vision of Heart Commitments" kun nas sgor 'jug pa'i 'od zer gtsug tor dri ma med par snang bar de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi snying po dang dam tshig la rnam par lta ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs samanta-mukha-praveśa-raśmi-vimaloṣīṣa-prabhāsa-sarva-tathāgata-hṛdaya-samaya-vilokate-nāma-dhāraṇī pha 250a5-259b7.  
603 Dharani - Ushnishajvala gtsug tor 'bar ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs - pha 260a1-260a3.  
604 Dharani - stupa-reliquary of the absolute realization of everything that is conceivable shes pas thams cad mthar phyin par grub pa'i mchod rten zhes bya ba'i gzungs bkb bi ma la uShṇi Sha’i gzungs sarva-prajñānta-pāramita-siddha-citya-nāma-dhāraṇī pha 260a3-266b4.  
605 Mantra for establishing the only stupa-reliquary from top to bottom, along with the corresponding [explanations] of all conceivable tantras mchod rten gcig yan chad byed ba man chad gdab pa’i sngags dang bsam pa’I rgyud ni kun kyang ‘dra - pha 266b4-267a3  
606 Dharani "Supreme Mercy" snying rje'i mchog ces bya ba'i gzungs karuṇa-agra-nāma-dhāraṇī pha 267a3-269a3  
607 Secret Tantra, comprehension of the Wrathful Victorious khro bo rnam par rgyal ba'i rtog pa gsang ba'i rgyud или khro bo khams gsum rnam par rgyal ba'i rtog pa'i rgyal po gsang ba'i rgyud krodha-vijaya-kalpa-guhya-tantra pha 269a3-ba 35b7  
608 Dharani of the noble Vajrabhairava 'phags pa rdo rje 'jigs byed kyi gzungs zhes bya ba или ma rungs pa phyir bzlog pa ārya-vajrabhairava-dhāraṇī-nāma ba 36a1-37a2.  
609 Dharani - Noble Mahadanda 'phags pa be con chen po zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-mahādaṇḍa-nāma-dhāraṇī ba 37a2-39a4.  
610 Noble [teaching]. Aparajita "Precious Necklace" 'phags pa gzhan gyis mi thub pa rin po che phreng ba zhes bya ba ārya-ratnamāla-nāma-aparājita ba 39a5-40b6.  
611 Noble [teaching]. Dharani "Perfect purification of all hindrances" 'phags pa bar du gcod pa thams cad rnam par sbyong ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-sarva-antarāyaki-viśodhanī-nāma-dhāraṇī ba 40b7-41b5  
612 Noble [teaching]. Dharani of the perfect endowment of fearlessness to all 'phags pa thams cad la mi 'jigs pa rab tu sbyin pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-sarva-abhayapradā-nāma-dhāraṇī ba 41b6-43a2.  
613 King of Mantra-Leading Noble Dramida 'phags pa 'gro lding ba'i rig sngags kyi rgyal po ārya-drāmiḍā-vidyā-rājā ba 43a3-45a2.  
614 Dharani of two stanzas tshigs su bcad pa gnyis pa'i gzungs gāthā-dvitīya-dhāraṇī ba 45a3-45a7 Translated
615 Noble [teaching]. Dharani - military decoration of the top of the banner of the Victorious 'phags pa rgyal mtshan gyi rtse mo'i dpung rgyan ces bya ba'i gzungs ārya-dhvaja-agrakeyūra-nāma-dhāraṇī ba 45b1-46b4  
616 Noble [teaching]. Dharani "Goddess Chunda" 'phags pa lha mo skul byed ma zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-cunda-devī-nāma-dhāraṇī ba 46b5-47a7.  
617 Dharani of the noble Sumukha-bhadra 'phags pa sgo bzang po zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-sumukhaṁ-nāma-dhāraṇī ba 47b1-52a5  
618 Dharani "noble Bahuputra-pratisara" 'phags pa bu mang po rton pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-bahuputra-pratisara-nāma-dhāraṇī ba 52a5-52b5.  
619 Noble [teaching]. Dharani "The Seven Living Dead" 'phags pa ro langs bdun pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-sapta-vetāḍaka-nāma-dhāraṇī ba 52b6-56a7.  
620 Sutra of the Noble Bhadraratri 'phags pa mtshan mo bzang po zhes bya ba'i mdo ārya-bhadrarātrī-nāma-sūtra ba 56a7-58b3.  
621 Noble [teaching]. Sutra "Theft of Radiance" 'phags pa mdangs phyir 'phrog pa zhes bya ba'i mdo ārya-oja-pratyaṁgiraṇi-sūtra ba 58b3-59a6.  
622 Noble [teaching]. Mantra of Reference "Perfect Cleansing of the Eyes" 'phags pa mig rnam par sbyong ba zhes bya ba'i rig sngags ārya-cakṣur-viśodhanī-nāma-vidyā-mantra ba 59a6-60b4.  
623 Noble [teaching]. Sutra for the complete pacification of eye diseases 'phags pa mig nad rab tu zhi bar byed pa'i mdo ārya-akṣi-roga-praśamani-sūtra ba 60b4-61a1.  
624 Noble [teaching]. Sutra of the Complete Pacification of Hemorrhoids 'phags pa gzhang 'brum rab tu zhi bar byed pa'i mdo ārya-arṣa-praśamani-sūtra ba 61a2-61b7.  
625 Dharani, which realizes the complete pacification of all diseases 'phags pa nad thams cad rab tu zhi bar byed pa'i gzungs ārya-sarva-roga-praśamani-nāma-dhāraṇī ba 62a1-62a7.  
626 Noble [teaching]. Dharani, which completely pacifies all diseases 'phags pa thams cad nad rab tu zhi bar byed pa'i gzungs - ba 62b1-62b2.  
627 Dharani for pacifying epidemic diseases rims nad zhi ba'i gzungs - ba 62b2-62b3.  
628 Noble [teaching]. Dharani of complete pacification of epidemic diseases 'phags pa rims nad rab tu zhi bar byed pa'i gzungs ārya-jvara-praśamani-nāma-dhāraṇī ba 62b3-63a3  
629 Dharani for pacifying smallpox disease 'brum bu'i nad zhi bar byed pa'i gzungs - ba 63a3-63a4  
630 That they could not even look mdangs phyir mi 'phrog pa zhes bya ba или blta bar yang mi nus so - ba 63a4-63a6.  
631 Noble [teaching]. The Great Sutra of Entry into Vaishali City 'phags pa yangs pa'i grong khyer du 'jug pa'i mdo chen po или 'phags pa yangs pa'i grong khyer du 'jug pa'i mdo ārya-vaiśālī-praveśa-mahāyāna-sūtra ba 63a6-67a2.  
632 Noble [teaching]. Sutra "Complete destruction of savage barbarians" 'phags pa mi rgod rnam par 'joms pa zhes bya ba'i mdo ārya-caura-vidhvaṁsana-nāma-dhāraṇī ba 67a2-67b3.  
633 Noble [teaching]. Mantra-dharani, which removes all obstacles 'phags pa bar du gcod pa thams cad sel ba'i gzungs sngags ārya-sarva-antara-saṁgrāsa-dhāraṇī-mantra ba 67b4-68a2  
634 Noble [teaching]. Dharani "Achala" 'phags pa mi g.yo ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-acala-nāma-dhāraṇī ba 68a3-80b7.  
635 Noble [teaching]. Concise Tantra, Realization of the Vajra Wrathful King 'phags pa rdo rje khro bo'i rgyal po'i rtog pa bsdus pa'i rgyud ces bya ba ārya-vajrakrodha-rāja-kalpa-lagsu-tantra-nāma ba 81a1-102b7.  
636 Noble [teaching]. Dharani Kanakavati 'phags pa gser can zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-kanakavati-nāma-dhāraṇī ba 103a1-105a2.  
637 Noble [teaching]. One Hundred and Eight Names of Avalokiteshvara, along with the Dharani Mantra 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug gi mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa gzungs sngags dang bcas pa или bcom ldan ‘das bla ma 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug gi mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa gzungs sngags dang bcas pa ārya-avalokiteśvara-aṣtottara-śataka-nāma-dhāraṇī-mantra-sahita ba 105a3-107a7.  
638 Noble [teaching]. One hundred and eight names of Maitreya, together with the mantra-dharani 'phags pa byams pa'i mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa gzungs sngags dang bcas pa ārya-maitri-nāma-aṣṭottara-śataka-dhāraṇī-mantra-sahita ba 107a7-109 a5.  
639 Noble [teaching]. One Hundred and Eight Names of Akashagarbha with Mantra-Dharani 'phags pa nam mkha'i snying po'i mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa gzungs sngags dang bcas pa ārya-kha-garbha-aṣṭottara-śataka-nāma-dhāraṇī-mantra ba 109a5-112a4.  
640 Noble [teaching]. One Hundred and Eight Names of Samantabhadra along with Mantra-Dharani 'phags pa kun tu bzang po'i mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa gzungs sngags dang bcas pa ārya-samantabhadra-aṣṭottara-śataka-nāma-dhāraṇī-mantra-sahita ba 112a4-116a2.  
641 Noble [teaching]. One Hundred and Eight Names of Vajrapani, along with Mantra-Dharani 'phags pa lag na rdo rje'i mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa gzungs sngags dang bcas pa ārya-vajrapāṇi-aṣṭottara-śataka-nāma-dhāraṇī-mantra-sahita ba 116a2-118b5.  
642 Noble [teaching]. One Hundred and Eight Names of Manjushri, along with Mantra-Dharani 'phags pa 'jam dpal gzhon nur gyur ba'i mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa gzungs sngags dang bcas pa или 'phags pa 'jam dpal gyi mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa gzungs sngags dang bcas pa ārya-mañjuśrī-kumārabhūta-aṣṭottara-śataka-nāma-dhāraṇī-mantra-sahita ba 118b5-122a1.  
643 Noble [teaching]. One hundred and eight names Sarva-nivarana-viskambina together with the mantra-dharani 'phags pa sgrib pa thams cad rnam par sel ba'i mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa gzungs sngags dang bcas pa или byang chub sems dpa’ chen po sgrib pa thams cad rnam par sel ba'i mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa gzungs sngags dang bcas pa ārya sarva-nivaraṇa-viskaṁbhinī-nāma-aṣṭottara-śataka-dhāraṇī-mantra-sahita ba 122a2-124a4  
644 Noble [teaching]. One Hundred and Eight Names of Ksitigarbha along with Mantra-Dharani 'phags pa sa'i snying po'i mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa gzungs sngags dang bcas ārya-kṣiti-garbha-aṣṭottara-śataka-nāma-dhāraṇī-mantra-sahita ba 124a5-126a5.  
645 Noble [teaching]. One Hundred and Eight Names of Manjushri 'phags pa 'jam dpal gyi mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa zhes bya ba ārya-mañjuśrī-nāma-aṣṭa-śataka ba 126a6-127b2  
646 Noble [teaching]. Dharani - Promised by Maitreya 'phags pa byams pas dam bcas pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-maitri-pratijñā-nāma-dhāraṇī ba 127b2-128a3  
647 Noble [teaching]. The Eight Mandalas Great Vehicle Sutra 'phags pa dkyil 'khor brgyad pa zhes bya ba'i theg pa chen po'i mdo ārya-aṣṭa-maṇḍalaka-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra ba 128a3-129a2. Translated
648 Dharani "The emergence of nectar-amrita" bdud rtsi 'byung ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs amṛta-bhava-nāma-dhāraṇī ba 129a3-129b7.  
649 Dharani "Exercising protection in a blazing flame [emanating] from the mouth of a hungry spirit" yi dags kha nas me 'bar ba la skyabs mdzad pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs preta-mukha-agni-jvāla-yaśara-kāra-nāma-dhāraṇī ba 130a1-132b2.  
650 Flaming face of the preth maiden. Breath torm ritual yi dags mo kha 'bar ma dbugs dbyung ba'i gtor ma'i cho ga - ba 132b2-134a5.  
651 Dharani of comprehension pret with a thin throat 'jur 'gegs shes bya ba'i gzungs - ba 134a6-136a7.  
652 Meteor Heart of Primal Wisdom ye shes skar mda'i snying po - ba 136a7-136b4.  
653 Meteor Heart of Primal Wisdom shes rab skyed pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs prajñā-vardhanī-nāma-dhāraṇī ba 136b4-136b7 Translated
654 Dharani to perceive what he heard thos pa 'dzin pa'i gzungs - ba 136b7-137a2.  
655 Dharani of Noble Jinaguru 'phags pa rgyal ba'i bla ma'i gzungs - ba 137a2-137a5  
656 Great Sutra "The Great Assembly Sutra" mdo chen po 'dus pa chen po'i mdo zhes bya ba mahā-samāja-sūtra-nāma-mahā-sūtra ba 137a5-146a1.  
657 Noble [teaching]. Dharani Dharmasagara 'phags pa chos kyi rgya mtsho zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-dharma-sāgara-nāma-dhāraṇī ba 146a1-149a2.  
658 Noble [teaching]. Dharani eliminating negative 'phags pa bgegs sel ba'i gzungs ārya-vighna-vināyaka-dhāraṇī ba 149a2-149b1.  
659 Noble [teaching]. Great Sutra "Sutra of the correspondence between what is moving everywhere and what is not moving everywhere" mdo chen po kun tu rgyu ba dang kun tu rgyu ba ma yin pa dang mthun pa'i mdo zhes bya ba āṭānāṭīyama-sūtra-nāma-mahā-sūtra ba 149b2-162b7.  
660 Noble [teaching]. Big cloud 'phags pa sprin chen po ārya-mahā-megha ba 163a1-175b2.  
661 Noble [teaching]. Sutra of the Great Vehicle. The head of the wind mandala from the [sutra] of the Great Cloud "The Heart of All Nagas" 'phags pa sprin chen po rlung gi dkyil 'khor gyi le'u klu thams cad kyi snying po zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo ārya-mahāmegha-vāta-maṇḍala-sarva-nāga-hṛdayaṁ-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra. ba 175b3-180a4.  
662 Noble [teaching]. Dharani "Questions of the King of the Nagas Tapasvi" 'phags pa klu'i rgyal po gzi can gyis zhus pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-tapasvi-nāga-rāja-paripṛcchā-nāma-dhāraṇī ba 180a4-180b4.  
663 Dharani of the noble Grahamatra mother of the graha planets 'phags ma gza' rnams kyi yum zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-graha-mātṛkā-nāma-dhāraṇī ba 180b5-183b4.  
664 Dharani Grahamatrkas of the mother of the graha planets gza' rnams kyi yum zhes bya ba'i gzungs graha-mātṛkā-nāma-dhāraṇī ba 183b5-186a5.  
665 Noble [teaching]. Dharani "Stream of wealth" 'phags pa nor gyi rgyun ces bya ba'i gzungs ārya-vasudhārā-nāma-dhāraṇī ba 186a5-190a3  
666 Realization of the blessed Vasudhara bcom ldan 'das ma nor rgyun ma'i rtog pa - ba 190a3-191a2  
667 Realization of the dharani of the blessed Vasudhara bcom ldan 'das ma nor rgyun ma'i gzungs kyi rtog pa - ba 191a2-192b4.  
668 Noble [teaching]. Heart of Ganapati 'phags pa tshogs kyi bdag po'i snying po ārya-gaṇapati-hṛdaya ba 192b4-193a6  
669 "Tantra of the great Ganapati" tshogs kyi bdag po chen po'i rgyud ces bya ba или tshogs kyi bdag p’I rgyud dngos grub ‘byung ba zhes bya ba mahā-ganapati-tantra-nāma ba 193a7-199a5.  
670 Glorious Mahakala Tantra dpal nag po chen po'i rgyud śrī-mahākāla-tantra ba 199a6-201b3.  
671 Dharani "Glorious Mahakala" dpal mgon po nag po zhes bya ba'i gzungs или 'phags pa dpal mgon po nag po zhes bya ba'i gzungs śrī-mahākāla-nāma-dhāraṇī ba 201b3-202a3.  
672 Dharani of Noble Mahakala - Liberating from all infectious diseases 'phags pa nag po chen po'i gzungs rims nad thams cad las thar bar byed pa или 'phags pa nag po chen po'i gzungs rims nad thams cad las rnam par thar bar byed pa - ba 202a3-202a7.  
673 Dharani of the goddess Mahakali lha mo nag mo chen mo'i gzungs devī-mahākālī-nāma-dhāraṇī ba 202b1-202b6.  
674 Royal Tantra. Hymn-praise of the glorious goddess Kali dpal lha mo nag mo'i bstod pa rgyal po'i rgyud или bstod pa rgyal po'i rgyud śrī-devī-kāli-prama-rāja-tantra-kāli ba 202b6-209b5  
675 One hundred and eight names of the glorious goddess Kali dpal lha mo nag mo'i mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa или dpal lha mo nag mo'i mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa yon tan dang bcas pa śrī-devī-kālī-nāma-aṣṭaśataka ba 209b5-211a6  
676 Hymn-praise of the lord of the gods Indra lha'i dbang po brgya byin gyis bstod pa - ba 211a6-211b1.  
677 Heart of Amitayus - - ba 211b1-211b2.  
678 Noble [Teaching]. The Great Vehicle Sutra "Infinite Life and Primordial Wisdom" 'phags pa tshe dang ye shes dpag tu med pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo ārya-aparimita-ayurjñāna-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra ba 211b2-216a7.  
679 Noble [Teaching]. The Great Vehicle Sutra "Infinite Life and Primordial Wisdom" 'phags pa tshe dang ye shes dpag tu med pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo или 'phags pa tshe dang ye shes dpag tu med pa'i gzungs ārya-aparimita-ayurjñāna-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra ba 216a7-220b5.  
680 Noble [teaching]. Dharani "The Heart of Infinite Life and Wisdom" 'phags pa tshe dang ye shes dpag tu med pa'i snying po zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-aparimita-ayurjñāna-hṛdaya-nāma-dhāraṇī ba 220b5-222b1.  
681 Dharani Mantra of Blessed Amitabha bcom ldan 'das snang ba mtha' yas kyi gzungs sngags или bcom ldan 'das snang ba mtha' yas kyi gzungs bhagavān-amitābha-dhāraṇī-mantra ba 222b1-222b6.  
682 Remembrance of Amitabha snang ba mtha' yas rjes su dran pa - ba 222b6-223a1  
683 Noble [teaching]. Dharani - Endless Declaration of Qualities 'phags pa yon tan bsngags pa dpag tu med pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-aparimita-guṇā-anuśansa-nāma-dhāraṇī ba 223a1-223a5  
684 Happy Heart bde ldan gyi snying po - ba 223a5-223a7.  
685 Root Tantra of Noble Avalokitesvara  "King Lotus Net" 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug gi rtsa ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po pad ma dra ba zhes bya ba ārya-avalokiteśvara-padmajāla-māla-tantra-rāja-nāma ba 224b1-278a7.  
686 Great Vehicle Sutra - Heart of the noble Amoghapasha 'phags pa don yod zhags pa'i snying po zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo ārya-amoghapāśa-hṛdaya-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra ba 278b1-284a7.  
687 Noble [teaching]. Dharani "Heart of Amoghapasha" 'phags pa don yod zhags pa'i snying po zhes bya ba gzungs ārya-amoghapāśa-hṛdayaṁ-mahāyāna-nāma-dharani ba 284a7-287b7.  
688 Noble [teaching]. The king of detailed [description] rituals of Amoghapasha 'phags pa don yod pa'i zhags pa'i cho ga zhib mo'i rgyal po ārya-amoghapāśa-kalpa-rājā ma 1b1-316a6.  
689 Dharani of the full realization of the six Perfections of the noble Amoghapasha 'phags pa don yod zhags pa'i pha rol tu phyin pa drug yongs su rdzogs par byed pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-amoghapāśa-pāramitā-ṣaṭpari-pūrakā-nāma-dhāraṇī tsa 58a1-59b3.  
690 Dharani of ten levels sa bcu pa'i gzungs или sa bcu pa'i gzungs phan yon dang rtog pa daśa-bhūmi-dhāraṇī tsa 59b3-62a3.  
691 Noble [teaching]. "Ritual of the king of comprehension Amoghapasha" 'phags pa don yod zhags pa'i rtog pa'i rgyal po'i cho ga zhes bya ba или 'phags pa don yod zhags pa'i rtog pa' rgyal po'i cho ga las phyung ba ārya-amoghapāśa-kalpa-rāja-vidhi-nāma tsa 62a3-66a1.  
692 A detailed ritual of the bodhisattva, the noble lord of Avalokiteshvara, who has a thousand hands and without a thousand hands byang chub sems dpa' 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug lag pa stong dang min stong dang ldan pa'i cho ga zhib mo или byang chub sems dpa' 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug lag pa stong dang min stong dang ldan pa'i cho ga zhib mo - tsa 66a1-94a7.  
693 Noble [teaching]. Dharani - The all-perfect compassionate mind in vastness that cannot be destroyed, the bodhisattva of Avalokiteshvara, which has a thousand hands 'phags pa byang chub sems dpa' spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug phyag stong spyan stong dang ldan pa thogs pa mi mnga' ba'i thugs rje chen po'i sems rgya cher yongs su rdzogs pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs - tsa 94a1-129b6  
694 Noble [teaching]. Dharani - Heart of the indestructible wheel of wish fulfillment, the secret treasury of Avalokitesvara 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug gi gsang ba'i mdzod thogs pa med pa'i yid bzhin gyi 'khor lo'i snying po zhes bya ba'i gzungs - tsa 129b7-137a7.  
695 Noble [teaching]. Dharani "The Heart of the Mantra-Knowledge of the Eleven-Faced Avalokitesvara" 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug zhal bcu gcig pa zhes ba'i gzungs ārya-avalokiteśvara-ekadaśa-mukha-nāma-dhāraṇī tsa 137b1-139b1.  
696 Noble [teaching]. Dharani "The Heart of the Mantra-Knowledge of the Eleven-Faced" 'phags pa zhal bcu gcig pa'i rig sngags kyi snying po zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-mukha-daśaika-vidyā-mantra-hṛdaya-nāma-dhāraṇī tsa 139b1-147a7.  
697 Heart of Noble Avalokiteshvara 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs kyi snying po - tsa 147b1-147b3.  
698 Noble [teaching]. Dharani of Avalokiteshvara 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug gi gzungs zhes bya ba ārya-avalokiteśvara-nāma-dhāraṇī tsa 147b3-148a2.  
699 Dharani of the noble Nilakantha 'phags pa n'i la kanTHa zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-nīlakaṇṭha-nāma-dhāraṇī tsa 148a3-149a7.  
700 Noble [teaching]. Dharani "Mercy without delay" 'phags pa snying rjes mi bshol ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs или 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs kyi dbang po thugs rje chen po snying rjes mi bshol ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-kāruṇa-anvilaṁ-nāma-dhāraṇī tsa 149b1-150a5.  
701 Noble [teaching]. Dharani of Samantabhadra 'phags pa kun tu bzang po zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-samantabhadra-nāma-dhāraṇī tsa 150a5-152b1  
702 Comprehension of the lord of the universe, Lokeshvara 'jig rten dbang phyug gi rtog pa lokeśvara-kalpa tsa 152b1-157b2  
703 Tantra "Lotus Diadem" padma cod pan zhes bya ba'i rgyud padma-mukuṭa-tantra-nāma tsa 157b2-164b3  
704 "Lion's Roar Tantra" seng ge sgra'i rgyud ces bya ba siṁhanāda-tantra-nāma tsa 164b4-165b5  
705 Noble [teaching]. Dharani of the lion's roar of Lord Avalokiteshvara 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug seng ge sgra'i gzungs zhes bya ba ārya-avalokiteśvarāya-siṁhanāda-nāma-dhāraṇī tsa 165b5-171a5  
706 Dharani Simhanada seng ge sgra'i gzungs - tsa 171a5-171b1  
707 Noble [teaching]. One Hundred and Eight Names of Avalokiteshvara 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug gi mtshan brgya rtsa rgyad pa ārya-avalokiteśvara-syanāma-aṣṭa-śatakaṁ tsa 171b1-173a5  
708 Noble [teaching]. One hundred and eight names of Lord Avalokiteshvara 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug gi mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa zhes bya ba или 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug gi mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa rgyal ba thams cad kyi ring srel gyi za ma tog ces bya ba ārya-avolokiteśvarasya-nāma-aṣṭa-śataka tsa 173a6-175a1  
709 Noble [teaching]. Dharani "Pleasant appearance of the body" 'phags pa lus kyi dbyibs mdzes pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-rucira-aṅga-yaṣṭhi-nāma-dhāraṇī tsa 175a1-176b1  
710 Noble [teaching]. Aparajita that bestows fearlessness 'phags pa gzhan gyis mi thub pa mi 'jigs pa sbyin pa zhes bya ba ārya-abhaya-pradā-nāma-aparājita tsa 176b1-177b6  
711 Aparajita's Great Knowledge gzhan gyis mi thub pa'i rig pa chen mo - tsa 177b6-178a1.  
712 Dharani on the change of a thousand stong 'gyur zhes bya ba'i gzungs - tsa 178a1-178a7.  
713 Memorizing Hundreds of Verses sha lo ka brgya lobs pa - tsa 178a7-178b2.  
714 Memorizing Hundreds of Verses shu lo ka brgya lobs pa - tsa 178b2-178b4.  
715 Dharani memorizing a thousand stanzas sha lo ka stong lobs pa'i gzungs - tsa 178b4-178b6  
716 Dharani memorizing a thousand stanzas sha lo ka stong lobs pa'i gzungs - tsa 178b6-179a2  
717 Dharani memorizing a thousand stanzas sha lo ka stong lobs pa'i gzungs - tsa 179a2-179a5  
718 Dharani memorizing three thousand stanzas sha lo ka sum stong lobs pa'i gzungs - tsa 179a5-179a7.  
719 Dharani of Good Memory mi brjed pa'i gzungs - tsa 179b1-179b2.  
720 Dharani "Generation of Wisdom" shes rab skyed pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs prajñā-vardhanī-nāma-dhāraṇī tsa 179b2-180a1  
721 Dharani "Generation of Wisdom" shes rab skyed pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs prajñā-vardhanī-nāma-dhāraṇī tsa 180a2-180a4  
722 Dharani to perceive what he heard thos pa 'dzin pa'i gzungs - tsa 180a4-180a7.  
723 Noble [teaching]. Sutra of the Great Vehicle “Blessing of all Tathagatas. A widespread demonstration and description of the country of the Enlightened One and gazing at beings " 'phags pa de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi byin gyi rlabs sems can la gzigs shing sangs rgyas kyi zhing gi bkod pa kun tu ston pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo ārya-sarva-tathāgata-abhiṣṭhāna-satvā-lokena-buddha-kṣetra-nirdeśana-vyuha-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra tsa 180a7-199b7.  
724 Noble [teaching]. Prayer-goodwill, arising from the comprehension of the jewel of the fulfillment of thoughts, Avalokiteshvara 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug yid bzhin gyi nor bu'i rtog pa las smon lam 'byung ba или sngags snying bzhi ‘byung ba dang smon lam dang tshigs su bcad pa dang sngags su bcas pa - tsa 200a1-201b3.  
725 Noble [teaching]. Dharani of the Great Compassion of Avalokiteshvara, together with a brief benefit and benefit 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug thugs rje chen po'i gzungs phan yon mdor bsdus pa zhes bya ba или 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug thugs rje chen po'i gzungs phan yon dang bcas pa zhes bya ba mdo las btus pa mahā-kāruṇika-nāma-ārya-avalokiteśvara-dhāraṇī-anuśaṁ-sasahita-sūtra-atasaṁgṛhita tsa 201b3-204a7.  
726 "Root comprehension of the blessed and noble Tara the", arising from the countless chapters of the magical manifestation of the maha-bodhisattva, the great comprehension of Urdhavajata ral pa gyen brdzes kyi rtog pa chen po byang chub sems dpa' chen po'i rnam par 'phrul pa le'u rab 'byams las bcom ldan 'das ma 'phags ma sgrol ma'i rtsa ba'i rtog pa zhes bya ba ūrdhvajaṭā-mahā-kalpa-mahā-bodhisattva-vikurvaṇa-paṭala-visarā-bhagavatī-ārya-tārā-mūla-kalpa- nāma tsa 205b1-tsha 200a7.  
727 Noble [teaching]. Dharani "Mother of Avalokiteshvara" 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug gi yum zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-avalokiteśvara-mātā-nāma-dhāraṇī tsha 200b1-202a1.  
728 Mother of all Tathagatas, Tara. Tantra "The Arising of Various Deeds" de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi yum sgrol ma las sna tshogs 'byung ba zhes bya ba'i rgyud или bcom ldan ‘das ma sgrol ma’i rgyud las sna tshogs bstan pa zhes bya ba sarva-tathāgata-mātarni-tāra-viśvakarma-bhava-tantra-nāma tsha 202a1-217a2.  
729 One hundred and eight names of the holy noble Tara rje btsun ma 'phags ma sgrol ma'i mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa zhes bya ba или rje btsun ma 'phags ma sgrol ma'i mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug gis gsungs pa ārya-tārā-bhaṭṭārika-nāma-aṣṭaśataka tsha 217a2-219a6.  
730 One hundred and eight names of the goddess Tara lha mo sgrol ma'i mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa zhes bya ba или sgrol ma’i mchog ces bya ba’i gzungs te lha mo sgrol ma'i mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa tāra-devī-nāma-aṣṭa-śatakana tsha 219a6-222a6  
731 Dharani of the noble Tara 'phags ma sgrol ma'i gzungs - tsha 222a6-222a7  
732 Dharani "Noble Tara the Liberator's Own Obligations" 'phags ma sgrol ma rang gis dam bcas pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-tārā-sva-pratijcā-nāma-dhāraṇī tsha 222a7-222b5.  
733 Noble Tara Liberator. The Sutra of Protection Against Eight Fears 'phags ma sgrol ma 'jigs pa brgyad las skyob pa'i mdo или rje btsun sgrol ma 'jigs pa brgyad las skyob pa'i mdo ārya-tāra-aṣṭa-ghoretā-sūtra tsha - 222b5-224b1.  
734 Noble [teaching]. Dharani Yashovati 'phags pa grags ldan ma'i gzungs ārya-yaśovatī-dhāraṇī tsha 224b1-225a3.  
735 Noble [teaching]. Dharani of Avalokiteshvara - Hayagriva 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug ha ya gr'i ba'i gzungs или 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug ha ya gr'i ba zhes bya ba’i gzungs ārya-avalokiteśvara-hayagrīva-dhāraṇī tsha 225a3-225b6  
736 Noble [teaching]. "Vijayavati who throws away everything" phyir zlog pa 'phags pa rnam par rgyal ba can zhes bya ba ārya-vijayavatī-nāma-pratyaṅgirā tsha 225b7-227a7.  
737 Noble [teaching]. Sutra Varnashavari . 'phags pa barNA sha ba ri'i mdo - tsha 227a7-228a7.  
738 Noble [teaching]. Dharani "Parnashavari" 'phags pa ri khrod lo ma gyon ma zhes bya ba'i gzungs или 'phags ma ri khrod ma lo ma gyon ma’i gzungs ārya-parṇaśavari-nāma-dhāraṇī tsha 228b1-229a3.  
739 Noble [Teaching], Dharani "Mighty Rollback" 'phags pa phyir zlog pa stobs can zhes bya ba или 'phags pa phyir zlog pa stobs can zhes bya ba’i gzungs ārya-balavatī-nāma-pratyaṅgirā tsha 229a4-229b4.  
740 Hymn-praise of the glorious goddess Saraswati dpal lha mo sgra dbyangs la bstod pa - tsha 229b4-230a7.  
741 The prediction of the blessed great goddess Sri 'phags ma lha mo chen mo dpal lung bstan pa ārya-śrī-mahā-devī-vyākaraṇa tsha 230a7-234b2.  
742 Noble [teaching]. The great Lakshini sutra 'phags pa dpal chen mo'i mdo ārya-mahālakṣīṇī-sūtra tsha 234b2-235a3.  
743 Twelve names of the glorious goddess dpal gyi lha mo'i mtshan bcu gnyis pa или dpal gyi lha mo chen mo'i mtshan bcu gnyis pa - tsha 235a4-235b5  
744 Mantra of guidance for obtaining the highest mchog thob pa'i rig sngags или ’phags pa mchog thob pa zhes bya ba agra-vidyā-mantra tsha 235b5-236a3.  
745 Noble [teaching]. Dharani "Complete cleansing of the entire veil of deeds" 'phags pa las kyi sgrib pa thams cad rnam par sbyong ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-sarva-karma-avaraṇa-viśodhanī-nāma-dhāraṇī tsha 236a3-236b7  
746 Noble [teaching]. “Vajra underground. King of Tantra " ‘phags pa rdo rje sa 'og gi rgyud kyi rgyal po zhes bya ba или 'phags pa rdo rje sa 'og ces bya ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po ārya-vajrapātāla-nāma-tantra-rājā tsha 237a1-266a7.  
747 Noble [teaching]. Great King of Tantras Vajrapani "Vajra Underground" 'phags pa phyag na rdo rje'i rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po rdo rje sa 'og ces bya ba - tsha 266a7-266b7.  
748 Noble [teaching]. The Great Tantra of Higher Awareness-Knowing 'phags pa rig pa mchog gi rgyud chen po ārya-vidyā-uttama-mahā-tantra dza 1b1-237b7.  
749 Great King of Tantra "Submission of the Bhuta" 'byung po 'dul ba zhes bya ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po или 'byung po 'dul ba zhes bya ba'i rgyud stong phrag bcu drug pa las ji snyed pa bhūta-ḍāmara-mahā-tantra-rāja- nāma dza 238a1-263a7.  
750 Dharani "ritual of the noble Vajrapani in blue robes" 'phags pa lag na rdo rje gos sngon po can gyi cho ga zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-nīlāmbara-dhara-vajrapāṇi-kalpa-nāma-dhāraṇī dza 263b1-264b1.  
751 Eight names of the noble Vajrapani along with the secret mantra 'phags pa lag na rdo rje'i mtshan brgyad pa gsang sngags dang bcas pa или lag na rdo rje'i mtshan brgyad pa gsang sngags dang bcas pa - dza 264b1-265b3.  
752 Dharani "Vajravidarana" rdo rjes rnam par 'joms pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs vajra-vidāraṇā-nāma-dhāraṇī dza 265b3-266b7  
753 Noble [teaching]. Dharani of building a house on top of the great vajra mountain Meru 'phags pa rdo rje'i ri rab chen po'i rtse mo'i khang pa brtsegs pa'i gzungs ārya-mahā-vajra-meru-śikhara-kūṭa-gāra-dhāraṇī dza 267a1-295a7.  
754 Noble [teaching]. Dharani Vajrajita "completely darkening like fire" 'phags pa rdo rje mi 'pham pa me ltar rab tu rmongs byed ces bya ba'i gzungs ārya-vajra-ajita-anala-pramohanī-nāma-dhāraṇī wa 1b1-4b4.  
755 Dharani "indestructible Vajrasukshma" rdo rje phra mo thogs pa med pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs или rdo rje phra mo thogs pa med pa'i gzungs vajra-sūkṣma-apratihata-nāma-dhāraṇī wa 4b4-5a7.  
756 Noble [teaching]. Heart of ten Vajrapani 'phags pa lag na rdo rje bcu'i snying po ārya-daśa-vajrapāṇinā-hṛdaya wa 5a7-6a5.  
757 Noble [teaching]. Dharani "four hearts of Kundalyamrita" 'phags pa bdud rtsi thab sbyor gyi snying po bzhi pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs или 'phags pa bdud rtsi thab sbyor gyi snying po ārya-kuṇḍalyamṛta-hṛdaya-caturtha-nāma-dhāraṇī wa 6a6-7b4.  
758 Mantra of the hymn-praise of the wrathful king Bhurkumkuta khro bo'i rgyal po sme brtsegs la bstod pa'i sngags или khro bo'i rgyal po sme brtsegs la bstod pa'i sngags dang bcas pa krodha-bhurkuṁkūta-rāja-stotra-mantra wa 7b4-8a7.  
759 Noble [teaching]. Sutra of the Great Vehicle "Mahabala" 'phags pa stobs po che zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo ārya-mahābala-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra wa 8a7-19a5  
760 Comprehension of the tantra of the noble Vajrasrinkhallasya 'phags ma rdo rje lu gu rgyud ma'i rgyud kyi rtog pa или 'phags ma rdo rje lu gu rgyud kyi rtog pa oDya na nas 'byung ba ārya-vajraśṛñkhalasya-tantra-kalpa wa 19a5-27b4.  
761 Vajratunda Naga Heart Commitments rdo rje mchu zhes bya ba klu'i dam tshig vajratuṇḍa-nāma-nāga-samaya wa 27b4-50a3.  
762 Dharani "Vajralohatunda" rdo rje gnam lcags mchu zhes bya ba'i gzungs vajra-loha-tuṇḍa-nāma-dhāraṇī wa 50a4-52a1.  
763 Noble [teaching]. Dharani "Lohatunda" 'phags pa lcags mchu zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-lohatuṇḍa-nāma-dhāraṇī wa 52a2-53a6.  
764 Noble [teaching]. Dharani "Lohatunda" 'phags pa lcags kyi mchu zhes bya ba'i gzungs или 'phags pa lcags kyi mchu'i gzungs ārya-lohatuṇḍa-nāma-dhāraṇī wa 53a6-54a3.  
765 Noble Krishnayaostha 'phags pa lcags mchu nag po или 'phags pa lcags mchu nag po’i gzungs ārya-kṛṣṇāya-oṣṭha wa 54a3-55b7.  
766 Noble [teaching]. Dharani of Manibhadra 'phags pa nor bu bzang po'i gzungs zhes bya ba ārya-maṇibhadra-nāma-dhāraṇī wa 56a1-56b2. Translated
767 Realization of the Yaksha of Manibhadra gnod sbyin nor bu bzang po'i rtog pa или nor bu bzang po’i rtog pa yang dag par rdzogs pa’i sangs rgyas kyis sungs pa ji snyed tshad kyi sngags kyi cho ga zhi ba me’i rtog pa maṇibhadrāya-yakṣa-sena-kalpa wa 56b2-69a6  
768 Analysis of the supreme Narakuvara, the great Yaksha general gnod sbyin kyi sde dpon chen po gar mkhan mchog gi brtag pa или gnod sbyin kyi sde dpon chen po gar mkhan mchog rig pa’i rgyal po spyad dang dngos grub sgrub pa bklags pas thams cad ‘grub pa brtag pa’i rgyal po dang po mahā-yakṣa-senapati-nara-kuvara-kalpa wa 69a6-81b7.  
769 Tantras of the Supreme Yaksha of Narakuvara gnod sbyin gar mkhan mchog gi rgyud - wa 81b7-88b7  
770 Dharani of the noble Jambhalashri 'phags pa gnod 'dzin dpal zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-jambhalaśrī-nāma-dhāraṇī wa 89a1-89b6. Translated
771 Dharani of the noble Jambhalajalandra, who has mercy 'phags pa gnod 'dzin chu dbang snying rje can gyi gzungs bde byed ces bya ba kāruṇikasya-ārya-jambhala-jalandra-suśaṁkara-nāma-dhāraṇī wa 89b7-90a6. Translated
772 Noble [teaching]. "Comprehension arising in accordance with the lord who is among the Yaksas" 'phags pa gnod gnas dbang po ci ltar 'byung ba'i rtog pa zhes bya ba или 'phags pa gnod gnas kyi dbang po di ltar 'byung ba'i rtog pa zhes bya ba ārya-jambhala-jalendraya-thālabdha-kalpa- nāma wa 90a6-104a3.  
773 Noble [teaching]. One hundred and eight names of Jambhala 'phags pa gnod 'dzin gyi mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa или 'phags pa gnod 'dzin gyi mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa ārya-jambhala-nāma-aṣṭaśataka wa 104a3-105b7  
774 Noble [teaching]. Dharani of Mekhala 'phags pa me kha la zhes bya ba'i gzungs ārya-mekhalā-nāma-dhāraṇī wa 105b7-111b7.  
775 Noble [teaching]. The King of the Mantra-Knowledge "Great Breath" 'phags pa rig sngags kyi rgyal po dbugs chen po zhes bya ba - wa 112a1-112b4.  
776 Dharani of Precious Symbol rin po che brdar ba'i gzungs - wa 112b4-112b5  
777 harani while walking around bskor ba'i gzungs - wa 112b5-112b7.  
778 Noble [teaching]. "Dharani while circumambulating the base of the Jewels" 'phags pa dkon mchog gi rten la bskor ba bya ba'i gzungs zhes bya ba или bskor ba'i gzungs ārya-pradakṣā-ratna-trayāya-nāma-dhāraṇī wa 112b7-113a3.  
779 Perfect Cleansing of Offerings yon yongs su sbyong ba zhes bya ba или 'dul ba lung las rnam par nges pa'i mdo las byung ba yon yongs su sbyong ba'i gzungs dakṣiṇī-pariśodhanī- nāma wa 113a3-113b1.  
780 Dharani of Perfect Purification of Offerings yon yongs su sbyong ba'i gzungs - wa 113b1-113b3.  
781 Dharani for prostrating phyag bya ba'i gzungs - wa 113b3-113b5.  
782 Dharani of acquiring one hundred pieces of clothing gos brgya thob pa'i gzungs - wa 113b5-113b7  
783 Dharani, which makes a person joyful mi dga' bar byed pa'i gzungs - wa 114a1-114a1.  
784 Dharani - complete purification of all lower existences ngan song thams cad yongs su sbyong ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs - wa 114a2-114a5  
785 Dharani of pacifying tumors skran zhi ba'i gzungs - wa 114a5-114a6.  
786 Dharani Purification of Indigestion Disease ma zhu ba'i nad 'byang ba'i gzungs - wa 114a7-114b1.  
787 Noble [teaching]. Dharani of the complete pacification of all violent 'phags pa sdang ba thams cad rab tu zhi bar byed pa'i gzungs - wa 114b1-114b3.  
788 Dharani "the complete pacification of all harmful" sdig pa thams cad rab tu zhi bar byed pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs - wa 114b3-114b5.  
789 Dharani for pacifying anger khro ba zhi bar byed pa'i gzungs - wa 114b5-114b7  
790 Noble dharani for pacifying anger 'phags pa khros pa zhi bar byed pa'i gzungs или khros pa zhi ba'i gzungs - wa 114b7-115a1.  
791 Dharani of Powerful Words tshig btsan pa'i gzungs - wa 115a1-115a4.  
792 Dharani to protect yourself bdag bsrung ba'i gzungs - wa 115a4-115a5.  
793 Noble dharani - pleasing to the mind 'phags pa yid du 'ong ba zhes bya ba или yid du 'ong ba’i gzungs - wa 115a5-115a7.  
794 Dharani of the melodious voice mgrin pa snyan pa'i gzungs - wa 115b1-115b2  
795 Dharani of the fulfillment of all goals don thams cad 'grub pa'i gzungs - wa 115b3-115b5.  
796 Dharani of Implementation las grub pa'i gzungs - wa 115b5-116a2  
797 "Pacification of Poisons" dug zhi bar byed pa zhes bya ba или dug thams cad zhi bar byed pa’i gzungs - wa 116a2-116a4.  
798 Dharani, freeing from bonds bcings pa las grol ba'i gzungs - wa 116a5-116a6  
799 Noble [teaching] - Intimidation of all demons 'phags pa bdud thams cad skrag par byed pa zhes bya ba или bdud skrag par byed pa'i gzungs - wa 116a6-116b1  
800 Mantra-dharani "On receiving wounds" rma 'byor bar byed pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs sngags или rma 'byor bar byed pa'i gzungs sngags - 116b1-116b3.  
801 Dharani for the complete pacification of pain from burns (fire) me'i zug rngu rab tu zhi bar byed pa'i gzungs - wa 116b3-116b4.  
802 Mantra for Eliminating Bile Diseases mkhris pa'i nad sel ba'i sngags или mkhris pa'i nad sel bar byed pa'i gzungs - wa 116b4-116b5.  
803 Mantra Dharani for the elimination of mucus diseases bad kan gyi nad sel ba'i gzungs sngags - wa 116b6-116b7.  
804 Mantra for eliminating kshaya diseases kSHa ya'i nad sel ba'i sngags - wa 116b7-117a1.  
805 Noble [teaching]. Dharani "Disease and Animal Immunity" 'phags pa rims dang srog chags kyis mi tshugs pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs или rims dang srog chags kyis mi tshugs pa'i gzungs - wa 117a2-117a4  
806 Dharani of Discarding as Offerings of Body Impurities lus kyi zag pa sbyin par gtang ba'i gzungs - wa 117a4-117a7.  
807 Noble [teaching]. Tantra "Questions to Suvahu" 'phags pa dpung bzang gis zhus pa zhes bya ba'i rgyud или 'phags pa dpung bzang gis zhus pa'i rgyud ārya-suvāhu-paripṛcchā-nāma-tantra wa 118a1-140b7.  
808 Secret Tantra. Common ritual of all mandalas dkyil 'khor thams cad kyi spyi'i cho ga gsang ba'i rgyud sarva-maṇḍala-sāmānya-vidhina-guhya-tantra wa 141a1-167b7.  
809 Classification of the sequence of methods from the great tantra, realizing the achievement of good legs par grub par byed pa'i rgyud chen po las sgrub pa'i thabs rim par phye ba или legs par grub par byed pa'i rgyud chen po las bsgrub pa'i thabs bsdus pa susiddhi-kara-mahā-tantra-sādhano-opāyika-paṭala wa 168a1-222b7.  
810 Classification of the sequence of additional meditation dives bsam gtan gyi phyi ma rim par phye ba dhyānottara-paṭala-krama wa 223a1-225b7.  
811 Noble [teaching]. Explaining the Mastery of the Great Jewel [of Desire Fulfillment] "The King of the Great Perfect Offering", from the clarification of the detailed definition of the Bodhisattvas, the Great Thought Tantra Necklace 'phags pa dgongs pa'i rgyud kyi phreng ba chen po byang chub sems dpa'i rnam par nges pa chen po bstan pa las nor bu chen po rin po che la mkhas pa bstan pa yongs su bsngo ba chen po'i rgyal po zhes bya ba ārya-sandhimāla-mahā-tantra-bodhisatva-mahā-viniścaya-nirdeśād- mahā-maṇi-ratna-kauśalya-nirdeśa-mahā-pariṇāmaṁ-nāma-rājā wa 226a1-229a3.  
812 Noble [teaching]. Great king of perfect offering along with mantra 'phags pa yongs su bsngo ba'i rgyal po chen po sngags dang bcas pa или 'phags pa yongs su bsngo ba'i rgyal po chen po sngags dang bcas pa ji snyed pa ārya-mahā-parināma-rāja-samantraka wa 229a3-250b3.  
813 Prayer-goodwill, arising from the great tantra of the implementation of the glorious and good dpal legs par grub par byed pa’i rgyud chen po las 'byung ba'i smon lam - wa 250b4-251a5.  
814 Prayer-goodwill, arising from the comprehension of the jewel of the fulfillment of thoughts, the noble Avalokiteshvara, the root mantra, the emergence of the four hearts of the mantra, prayer-goodwill, stanzas and mantra ‘phags pa spyna ras gzigs dbang phyug yid bzhin gyi nor bu’i rtog pa las smon lam ‘byung ba dang rtsa ba'i sngags dang sngags snying bzhi 'byung ba dang smon lam dang tshigs su bcad pa dang sngags su bcas pa - wa 251a5-253a1.  
815 A prayer of good will proclaimed from the complete destruction of the great thousand [worlds] stong chen mo rab tu 'joms pa las gsungs pa'i smon lam - wa 253a2-254a6.  
816 Prayer-goodwill and words of truth proclaimed from Mahamayuri, the queen of the mantra of knowledge rig sngags kyi rgyal mo rma bya chen mo las gsungs pa'i smon lam dang bden tshig - wa 254a6-254b4.  
817 Prayer-goodwill, arising from the line of giving sbyin pa'i rabs las 'byung ba'i smon lam - wa 254b4-256a6.  
818 Noble [teaching]. Verses of wishes for well-being and happiness arising from the sutra of entering the city of Vaishali 'phags pa yangs pa'i grong khyer du 'jug pa'i mdo las 'byung ba'i bde legs kyi tshigs su bcad pa - wa 256a7-257a5.  
819 Verses about welfare and happiness bde legs kyi tshigs su bcad pa svasti-gāthā wa 257a5-258b7.  
820 Verses on Becoming Happy bde legs su 'gyur ba'i tshigs su bcad pa svastya-yana-gāthā wa 258b7-259b1.  
821 Good luck verses requested by the deity lhas zhus pa'i bkra shis kyi tshigs su bcad pa deva-paripṛcchā-maṅgala-gāthā wa 259b1-260a5.  
822 Verses of good luck to thirty-seven deities - deities of the tantra mandala of glorious yoga, along with a retinue of five Tathagata families dpal rnal 'byor gyi rgyud kyi dkyil 'khor gyi lha de bzhin gshegs pa rigs lnga 'khor dang bcas pa lha sum bcu rtsa bdun gyi bkra shis kyi tshigs su bcad pa - wa 260a5-260b7.  
823 Good luck stanzas for seven of the Enlightened lineage sangs rgyas rabs bdun gyi bkra shis kyi tshigs su bcad pa - wa 261a1-261b1.  
824 Good luck verses to the five Tathagatas de bzhin gshegs pa lnga'i bkra shis tshigs su bcad pa или dpal rnal 'byor gyi rgyud kyi dkyil 'khor gyi lha de bzhin gshegs pa'i rigs lnga 'khor dang bcas pa lha sum cu rtsa bdun gyi bkra shis tshigs su bcad pañca-tathāgata-maṅgala-gāthā wa 261b1-261b7.  
825 Good luck to the three families rigs gsum gyi bkra shis или dpal rigs gsum gyi bkra shis   wa 261b7-262a3.  
826 Good luck stanza from the Three Jewels dkon mchog gsum gyi bkra shis kyi tshigs su bcad pa ratna-tri-maṅgala-gāthā wa 262a3-262a7.  
827 Good luck to the three families rigs gsum gyi bkra shis - wa 262a7-262b3.  
828 Good Luck Verses bkra shis kyi tshigs su bcad pa или dkon mchog gsum dang mdzad pa bcu gnyis kyi bkra shis kyi tshigs su bcad pa maṅgala-gāthā wa 262b3-263b6.  
829 Good luck stanza for the Three Jewels dkon mchog gsum gyi bkra shis kyi tshigs su bcad pa ratna-tri-svasti-gāthā wa 263b7-264a6.  
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