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Tantras of Old Translation

Library - Kangyur

Tantras of Old Translation

This section has its own numbering of the texts. It should also be noted that the numbering and titles of the chapters of texts often do not match those texts included in the Nyingma school's own Tantra collections.

Number Name Tibetan Sanskrit Location State
1 All teachings, Great perfection, enlightened mind, All-creating King chos thams cad rdzogs pa chen po byang chub kyi sems kun byed pa rgyal po sarva-dharma-mahā-santi-bodhicitta-kulaya-rājā ka 1b1-86a7  
2 The mind of all Tathagatas. Tantra describes the vajra heart essence of the secret primordial wisdom. The Sutra of knowledge that unites all the texts of yoga implementation. Direct comprehension of the Great Chariot. Sutra "detailed description of the enumeration of teachings" de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi thugs gsang ba'i ye shes don gyi snying po rdo rje bkod pa'i rgyud rnal 'byor grub pa'i lung kun 'dus rig pa'i mdo theg pa chen po mngon par rtogs pa chos kyi rnam grangs rnam par bkod pa zhes bya ba'i mdo sarva-tathāgata-citta-jñāna-guhya-artha-garbha-vyūha-vajra-tantra-siddhi-yogāgama-samāja-sarva-vidyā-sūtra-mahāyāna-abhisamaya-dharma-paryāya-vivyūha-nāma-sūtraṁ ka 86b1-290a7  
3 Sutra of the Great Vehicle. The mystery of all Tathagatas, the great secret vault, the lamp of the inexhaustible Treasury, the Tantra of the great asceticism "the Shining wheel of primordial wisdom" and in de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi gsang ba gsang ba'i mdzod chen po mi zad pa gter gyi sgron ma brtul zhugs chen po bsgrub pa'i rgyud ye shes rngam pa glog gi 'khor lo zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo sarva tathāgata guhya-mahā-guptakoṣa-akṣaya-yani-dhidīpa-mahā-prata-sādhana-tantra-jñanāścarya-vidyuti-cakra-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra ka 290b1-358a7  
4 Sutra of the Great Vehicle. The mind of all Tathagatas, the heart of the essence of the secret primordial wisdom, the Sutra of knowledge, the vajra uniting the entire family of Wrathful "Tantra of yoga realization" de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi thugs gsang ba'i ye shes don gyi snying po khro bo rdo rje'i rigs kun 'dus rig pa'i mdo rnal 'byor grub pa'i rgyud ces bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo sarva-tathāgata-citta-guhya-jñāna-artha-garbha-krodha-vajra-kula-tantra-pindārtha-vidyā-yoga-siddhi-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra kha 1b1-110a7  
5 the Glorious innermost essence is the heart. Detailed description of higher reality dpal gsang ba'i snying po de kho na nyid rnam par nges pa śrī-guhya-garbha-tatva-viniścaya kha 110b1-132a7  
6 The network of magical manifestation of Vajrasattva. Tantra "mirror of all mysteries" rdo rje sems dpa'i sgyu 'phrul dra ba gsang ba thams cad kyi me long zhes bya ba'i rgyud или rdo rje sems dpa'i sgyu 'phrul dra ba rdo rje sems dpa' gsang ba me long gyi rgyud chen po vjara-satva-māyā-jāla-guhya-sarva-ādarśa-nāma-tantra kha 132b1-198a7  
7 The secret heart. True higher reality gsang ba'i snying po de kho na nyid nges pa - kha 198b1-298b7  
8 Noble [teaching]. "Lotus necklace and rope of methods" 'phags pa thabs kyi zhags pa pad mo'i phreng zhes bya ba - kha 299a1-311a7  
9 Tantra "the Great net of the magical manifestation of the goddess" lha mo sgyu 'phrul dra ba chen mo zhes bya ba'i rgyud devī-jāli-mahā-māyā-tantra-nāma ga 1b1-34b3  
10 The secret heart. The great teacher of true higher reality gsang ba'i snying po de kho na nyid nges pa'i bla ma chen po или rtogs pa'i rgyal po sku 'phrul dra ba'i le'u stong phrag brgya pa las lung gi spyi sangs rgyas thams cad kyi gsang ba gsang ba'i snying po de kho na nyid nges pa'i bla ma chen po'i le'u las thams cad ma lus par 'phros pa de dag gi 'bras bu'i mchog - ga 34b3-60a4  
11 Noble [teaching]. Secret Tantra of the wheel of the four acts of Manjushri 'phags pa 'jam dpal las bzhi 'khor lo gsang ba'i rgyud или 'phags pa las bzhi 'khor lo gsang ba'i rgyud las rgyud phyi ma rim par bkod pa ārya-mañjuśrī-karma-catuś-cakra-guhya-tantra ga 60a5-77a5  
12 Unsurpassed mystery, the Essence of all Tathagatas "Great Tantra game-Dance Hayagriva" de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi dgongs pa bla na med pa gsang ba rta mchog rol pa'i rgyud chen po zhes bya ba или de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi dgongs pa bla na med pa'i gsang ba rta mchog rol pa'i rgyud chen po'i rtsa ba sarva-tathāgata-budtrobuna-guhya-vanośi-aśaddama-vinasa-mahā-tantra-nāma ga 77a6-129b7  
13 The highest of the deep secret Tantra of the dance of mercy of the glorious heruka dpal he ru ka snying rje rol pa'i rgyud gsang ba zab mo'i mchog ces bya ba или gsang ba'i snying po zab mo mchog dpal snying rje rol pa'i rgyud śrī-heruka-kāruṇa-krīḍita-tantra-guhya-gaṁbhīrauttama- nāma ga 130a1-202a3  

The following text also belongs to the tradition of Old Translations. It can be presented as a single text of eight sections, or as eight different texts. This is due to the fact that each of the sections included in it has its own name in Sanskrit, which is not typical. However, in some collections of texts from the tradition of Old Translations, such splitting of texts is sometimes found. Thus, we can divide this text into eight sections, each of which has its own name.

14-25. Maha-Amrita. Higher texts
Both in the collection of the Canon and in the collections of texts from the tradition of Old Translations, this text can be presented as several texts. At the same time, each of the texts (eight different sections) can be considered as separate writings. Translators are not listed in any of the sections or in the colophon of the text. However, the very name of the text can be deduced from the following praise. The text, being a short form is explained by Vimalamitra, transferred by Jnanakumara. Location - ga 202a3-222a5.

Number Name Tibetan Sanskrit Location State
14 Own nature of the five types of nectar-Amrita total. The Supreme heart that brings closer to great real achievements. Eight great sections thams cad bdud rtsi lnga'i rang bzhin dngos grub chen po nye ba'i snying po mchog bam po chen po brgyad pa sarva-pañca-amṛta-sara-siddhi-mahā-duka-hṛdaya-ana-paravidtvan-āṣṭā ga 202a3–204a5  
15 bodhisattva of people, Nagas, gods, Rishis like Brahma and others tshangs pa la sogs pa drang srong dang lha dang klu dang mi'i byang chub sems dpa' amṛta-rasayana-tanajhaya-praśasta-pramana-śrīkrana-praśastaya-namo ga 204a5–208b6  
16 Blessed, great king of non-duality bcom ldan 'das gnyis med kyi rgyal po chen po prajñā-bhagavan-mahā-rājā ga 207b6–208b7  
17 Liberation of the five great fruits 'bras bu chen po lnga bsgral ba stana-mahā-dara-pañca ga 209a1–212a6  
18 Sugatas of the five families rigs lnga bde bar gshegs pa kula-pañca-buddha-nāma ga 212a7–213b5  
19 Bubbling Amrita bdud rtsi 'khyil pa amṛta-kunḍali-nāma ga 213b5–216a4  
20 Text of the hundred thousandth Amrita (the great bliss of the glorious Amrita) bdud rtsi bum pa'i lung (dpal bdud rtsi bde ba chen po) amīta-kalaśi-siddhi ga 216a4–220a3  
21 Blessed Manjushri-tiksha bcom ldan 'das 'jam dpal rnon pa bhagavānā-mañjuśrī-tīkṣa-nāma-siddhaṁ ga 220a3-222a5  
22 Vajrakilaya-tantra - - ga 222a5-223b  
23 Dakini. Tantra of the flaming tongue of the flame mkha' 'gro ma me lce 'bar ba'i rgyud ḍākinī-agni-jihva-jvalā-tantra ga 223b6-253a5  
24 Vajra, combining the powerful mantra "the Root Tantra» drag sngags 'dus pa rdo rje rtsa ba'i rgyud zhes bya ba vajra-mantra-bhiru-sandhi-mara-tantra-nāma ga 253a5-267b7  
25 the practice of Lokastotrapuja-Nate "Root Tantra" 'jig rten mchod bstod sgrub pa rtsa ba'i rgyud zhes bya ba или dregs pa can gyi sde dpon 'jig rten mchod bstod sgrub pa rtsa ba'i rgyud ches bya ba loka-stotra-pūja-tantra-nāma-nopika-santakaṁ ga 268a1-287a7  
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