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Library - Kangyur


Number Name Tibetan Sanskrit Location Status
1 Proclamation of the Essential Names of Jnanasattva Manjushri 'jam dpal ye shes sems dpa'i don dam pa'i mtshan yang dag par brjod pa mañjuśrī-jñānasatvasya-paramārtha-nāma-saṁgīti ka 1b1-13b7  
2 Brief Explanations on Empowerment dbang mdor bstan pa sekkoddeśa ka 14a1-21a6.  
3 The king of tantra, manifested from the Enlightened One, the first of the highest. Glorious Kalachakra mchog gi dang po'i sangs rgyas las phyung ba rgyud kyi rgyal po dpal dus kyi 'khol lo zhes bya ba parāma-ādi-buddha-ud-dhṛta-śrī-kālacakra-nāma-tantra-rājā ka 22b1-128b7.  
4 Additional tantra of the glorious Kalachakra "heart of tantra" dpal dus kyi 'khor lo'i rgyud phyi ma rgyud kyi snying po zhes bya ba śrī-kālacakra-tantra-uttara-tantra-hṛdaya-nāma ka 129a1-144a7.  
5 The Heart-Essence of Glorious Kalachakra Tantra dpal dus kyi 'khol lo zhes bya ba'i rgyud kyi snying po śrī-kāla-cakra-garbha-nāma-tantra ka 144b1-146a7  
6 Clarification of Empowerments dbang gi rab tu byed pa . śeka-prakriya ka 146a7-150a7  
7 Unrivaled Tantra. The highest illusory bliss, [the teaching of] the heavenly deity, one with all the glorious Enlightened Ones dpal sangs rgyas thams cad dang mnyam par sbyor ba mkha' 'gro ma sgyu ma bde ba'i mchog ces bya ba'i rgyud bla ma śrī-sarva-buddha-sama-yoga-ḍākinī-jāla-samvara-nāma-uttara-tantra ka 151b1-193a6  
8 >An addition to the supplementary tantra of the highest illusory bliss, the heavenly deity, one with all the Enlightened Ones. Collection of all realizations rtog pa thams cad 'dus pa zhes bya ba sangs rgyas thams cad dang mnyam par sbyor ba mkha' gro sgyu ma bde ba'i mchog gi rgyud phyi ma'i phyi ma sarva-kalpa-samucchaya-nāma-sarva-buddha-sama-yoga-ḍākinī-jāla-samvara-uttara-uttara-tantra ka 193a6-212a7  
9 The king of tantra. Glorious [Chakra] Samvara. Small [tantra] rgyud kyi rgyal po dpal bde mchog nyung ngu zhes bya ba tantra-rāja-śrī-laghu-samvara-nāma ka 213b1-246b7  
10 The Unrivaled Tantra of Clear Direction mngon par brjod pa'i rgyud bla ma zhes bya ba abhidhana-uttara-tantra-nāma ka 247a1-370a7  
11 The great king of the tantras. Glorious Vajra Celestial Deity rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po dpal rdo rje mkha' 'gro zhes bya ba śrī-vajra-ḍāka-nāma-mahā-tantra-rāja kha 1b1-125a7  
12 Additional Tantra - Vajra Celestial Deity rdo rje mkha' 'gro zhes bya ba'i rgyud phyi ma vajra-ḍāka-nāma-uttara-tantra kha 125b1-136b7  
13 Great tantra king yogini from the ocean of glorious celestial deities dpal mkha' 'gro rgya mtsho rnal 'byor ma'i rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po zhes bya ba śrī-ḍāka-arṇaṁ-ava-mahā-yoginī-tantra-rāja-nāma kha 137a1-264b7  
14 The Great King of Tantra - The Rise of the Glorious Heruka dpal bde mchog 'byung ba zhes bya ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po śrī-mahā-saṁvara-udaya-tantra-rājā-nāma kha 265a1-311a6  
15 Perfect Radiance is a manifestation of the glorious Heruka dpal khrag 'thung mngon par 'byung ba zhes bya ba śrī-heruka-abhy-udaya-nāma ga 1b1-33b7  
16 [Comprehensive] yogini practice rnal 'byor ma'i kun tu spyod pa yoginī-sañca-aryaṁ ga 34a1-44b5  
17 Unity Tantra of the Four Yoginis rnal 'byor ma bzhi'i kha sbyor kyi rgyud ces bya ba catur-yoginī-sampuṭa-tantra-nāma ga 44b6-52b5  
18 Manifestation of Varaha's Enlightenment from Additional Tantra, which explains the proclamation of (names) of Vajra-Varaha phag mo mngon par brjod pa bshad pa'i rgyud phyi ma las phag mo mngon par byang chub pa zhes bya ba ā-khyāta-tantra-uttara-vajra-vāhya-bhidha-nāda-vārāhya-bhi-bodhanaṁ-nāma ga 52b5-60a7  
19 The king of tantra, the manifestation of Vajra Varaha, the inherent wisdom of the unthinkable unity of the mind of all heavenly deities mkha' 'gro ma thams cad kyi thugs gnyis su med pa bsam gyis mi khyab pa'i ye shes rdo rje phag mo mngon par 'byung ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po zhes bya ba ḍākinī-sarva-cittā-advayā-cinta-jñāna-vajra-vārāhi-adhi-bhava-tantra-rāja-nāma ga 60b1-71a3  
20 Complementary tantra - - ga 71a3-72b7  
21 Practice of the Vajra Yogini, the holder of knowledge rig pa 'dzin pa rdo rje rnal 'byor ma'i sgrub thabs zhes bya ba vidyā-dharaṇī-vajra-yoginī-sādhana-nāma ga 72b7-73a7  
22 Great Tantra - Perfect Yoga yang dag par sbyor ba zhes bya ba'i rgyud chen po saṁpuṭa-nāma-mahā-tantra ga 73b1-158b7.  
23 The great king of tantra is a drop of glorious perfect yoga - - ga 158b7-184b7  
24 The king of tantra. Glorious Guhyavajra (Secret Vajra) dpal gsang ba rdo rje rgyud kyi rgyal po śrī-guhya-vajra-tantra-rāja ga 184b1-187a1  
25 A glorious sacrament. The king of tantra cutting off everything dpal gsang ba thams cad gcod pa'i rgyud kyi rgyal po śrī-guhya-sarva-cchinda-tantra-rāja ga 187a2-195b7  
26 The inconceivable and secret king of tantra. Glorious Chakrasamvara dpal 'khor lo sdom pa gsang ba bsam gyis mi khyab pa'i rgyud kyi rgyal po śrī-cakra-saṁvara-guhya-acinta-tantra-rāja ga 196a1-199a1.  
27 The glorious king of tantra of Khasama dpal nam mkha' dang mnyam pa'i rgyud kyi rgyal po zhes bya ba śrī-kha-sama-tantra-rāja-nāma ga 199a7-202a1.  
28 The glorious king of tantra. Great heavenly space dpal nam mkha' chen po'i rgyud kyi rgyal po śrī-mahā-khā-tantra-rāja ga 202a2-203b1.  
29 The glorious king of tantra of body, speech and mind dpal sku gsung thugs kyi rgyud kyi rgyal po śrī-kāya-vāk-citta-tantra-rāja ga 203b1-208b1.  
30 The glorious king of tantra. Precious garland dpal rin chen phreng ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po śrī-ratna-māla-tantra-rāja ga 208b2-213b4.  
31 The Glorious King of Tantra of Great Heart Commitments dpal dam tshig chen po'i rgyud kyi rgyal po zhes bya ba śrī-mahā-samaya-tantra-rāja-nāma ga 213b4-216a3.  
32 The glorious tantra king of Mahabala dpal stobs po che'i rgyud kyi rgyal po zhes bya ba śrī-mahābala-tantra-rāja-nāma ga 216a3-219a2.  
33 The Glorious King of Tantra of Secret Primordial Wisdom dpal ye shes gsang ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po śrī-jñāna-guhya-tantra-rāja ga 219a2-220a7.  
34 The Glorious King of Tantra - Garland of Primordial Wisdom dpal ye shes 'phreng ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po śrī-jñāna-māla-tantra-rāja ga 220b1-221b7  
35 The Glorious King of Tantra - Flame of Inherent Wisdom dpal ye shes 'bar ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po śrī-jñāna-jvala-tantra-rāja ga 222a1-223a7.  
36 Tantra King of Glorious Chandramala dpal zla ba'i phreng ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po śrī-candra-māla-tantra-rāja ga 223a7-224b4.  
37 Glorious King of Tantra - Precious Flame dpal rin chen 'bar ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po zhes bya ba śrī-ratna-jvala-tantra-rāja-nāma ga 224b4-227b2.  
38 The glorious king of tantra - the sun wheel chakra dpal nyi ma'i 'khor lo'i rgyud kyi rgyal po zhes bya ba śrī-sūrya-cakra-tantra-rāja-nāma ga 227b3-229a2.  
39 King of Tantra - King of Glorious Primordial Wisdom dpal ye shes rgyal po'i rgyud kyi rgyal po śrī-jñāna-rāja-tantra-rāja ga 229a2-230a2.  
40 Glorious King of Secret Tantra - Vajra Celestial Deity dpal rdo rje mkha' 'gro gsang ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po śrī-vajra-ḍāki-guhya-tantra-rāja ga 230a2-231b3.  
41 The Glorious King of Tantra - The Secret Flame dpal gsang ba me 'bar ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po śrī-jvala-agni-guhya-tantra-rāja ga 231b4-233a5.  
42 The Glorious King of the Tantra "The Secret Nectar of Immortality" dpal gsang ba bdud rtsi'i rgyud kyi rgyal po śrī-amṛta-guhya-tantra-rāja ga 233a5-235a5.  
43 The Glorious King of Tantra - Cemetery Decoration dpal dur khyod rgyan gyi rgyud kyi rgyal po śrī-śmāśāni-alaṁ-kāra-tantra-rāja ga 235a5-237a5.  
44 Glorious Tantra - Great Vajra King dpal rdo rje rgyal po chen po'i rgyud śrī-vajra-rāja-mahā-tantra ga 237a5-238b7.  
45 The Glorious King of Tantra - Jnana Asaya dpal ye shes bsam pa'i rgyud kyi rgyal po śrī-jñāna-āśaya-tantra-rāja ga 239a1-239b7  
46 King of Tantra - Glorious King of Desire Raga dpal chags pa'i rgyal po'i rgyud kyi rgyal po śrī-rāga-rāja-tantra-rāja ga 240a1-242b7.  
47 The Glorious King of Tantra - Commitment of the Heavenly Goddess dpal mkha' 'gro ma'i sdom pa'i rgyud kyi rgyal po zhes bya ba śrī-ḍākinī-saṁvara-tantra-rāja-nāma ga 242b7-244a7  
48 Glorious King of Tantra - Flame Garland dpal me'i phreng ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po śrī-agni-māla-tantra-rāja ga 244b1-245b6.  
49 Glorious King of Tantra - Secret Flame of the Heavenly Goddess dpal mkha' 'gro ma gsang ba 'bar ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po śrī-ḍākinī-guhya-jāla-tantra-rāja ga 245b6-247a4.  
50 The king of tantra destructive destructive vajra dpal rdo rje 'jigs byed rnam par 'joms pa'i rgyud kyi rgyal po śrī-vajra-bhairava-vi-dāraṇa-tantra-rāja ga 247a4-248a1  
51 The glorious king of tantra - Mahabala, the king of primordial wisdom dpal stobs chen ye shes rgyal po'i rgyud kyi rgyal po śrī-mahā-bala-jñāna-rāja-tantra-rāja ga 248a1-249b6.  
52 The glorious vow tantra king of the Vajrasiddhi net dpal rdo rje grub pa dra ba'i sdom pa'i rgyud kyi rgyal po śrī-vajra-siddha-jāla-saṁ-vara-tantra-rāja ga 249b6-251b3.  
53 Tantra of the heart essence of the mind of all Tathagatas de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi thugs kyi snying po don gyi rgyud sarva-tathāgata-citta-gan-dhāna-tantra ga 251b3-254b5.  
54 The Glorious Tantra King of Chakrasamvara - Miraculously Emerged Cemetery Decoration dpal 'khor lo sdom pa'i rgyud kyi rgyal po dur khrod kyi rgyan rmad du byung ba zhes bya ba śrī-cakrasaṁvara-tantra-rāja-adbhuta-śmasāna-alaṁkāra-nāma ga 254b5-259b3.  
55 King of Tantra - Unsullied rgyud kyi rgyal po rnyog pa med pa zhes bya ba anāvila-tantra-rājā-nāma ga 259b3-261b3  
56 Glorious supreme Heruka-Samvara, King of tantra, equal to heavenly space dpal bde mchog nam mkha' dang mnyam pa'i rgyud kyi rgyal po zhes bya ba śrī-saṁvara-kha-sama-tantra-rāja-nāma ga 261b3-263a7  
57 The Glorious Tantra of the Protector, the Angry Vajra Mahakala - The Secret Source of Real Achievements dpal rdo rje nag po chen po khros pa'i mgon po gsang ba dngos grub 'byung ba zhes bya ba'i rgyud śrī-vajra-mahākāla-krodha-nātha-rahasya-siddhi-bhava-tantra-nāma ga 263b1-292a6  
58 King of Tantra - Hevajra kye'i rdo rje zhes bya ba rgyud kyi rgyal po hevajra-tantra-rājā-nāma nga 1b1-30a3  
59 Description of the great king of tantra - Vajra tent of noble celestial deity 'phags pa mkha' 'gro ma rdo rje gur zhes bya ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po'i brtag pa ārya-ḍākinī-vajra-pañjara-mahā-tantra-rājā-kalpa-nāma nga 30a4-65b7  
60 The Lord, the king of tantra of the great yogini - Drop is the essence of the glorious Mahamudra, the Great Seal dpal phyag rgya chen po'i thig le zhes bya ba rnal 'byor ma chen mo'i rgyud kyi rgyal po'i mnga' bdag śrī-mahāmudrā-tilakaṁ-nāma-yoginī-tantra-rāja-adhipati nga 66a1-90b7  
61 The majestic tantra king of the great yogini - glorious heart of primordial wisdom dpal ye shes snying po zhes bya ba rnal 'byor ma chen mo'i rgyud kyi rgyal po'i rgyal po śrī-jñāna-garbha-nāma-yoginī-mahā-tantra-rāja-yati-rāja nga 91a1-96b6.  
62 Miraculously Arising Yogini Mantra King - Glorious Drop of Primordial Wisdom dpal ye shes thig le rnal 'byor ma'i rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po mchog tu rmad du byung ba zhes bya ba śrī-jñāna-tilaka-yoginī-tantra-rāja-parama-mahā-adbhutaṁ-nāma nga 96b6-136b4.  
63 The king of tantra of the great yogini is a glorious lamp of the supreme reality-suchness dpal de kho na nyid kyi sgron ma zhes bya ba rnal 'byor chen mo'i rgyud kyi rgyal po śrī-tattva-pradīpaṁ-nāma-mahāyoginī-tantra-rājā nga 136b5-142b7  
64 The king of tantra yogini - the glorious Buddhakapala dpal sangs rgyas thod pa zhes bya ba rnal 'byor ma'i rgyud kyi rgyal po śrī-buddha-kapāla-nāma-yoginī-tantra-rāja nga 143a1-167a5.  
65 The King of Tantra - Glorious Mahamaya śrī-mahā-māyā-tantra-rāja-nāma dpal sgyu 'phrul chen po zhes bya ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po nga 167a6-171a1  
66 Great King - Vajra Aralli rdo rje a'a ra li zhes bya ba'i rgyal po chen po vajra-ārali-mahā-tantra-rāja-nāma nga 171a2-176a2  
67 Tantra King Rigi-Aralli ri gi a' ra li'i rgyud kyi rgyal po zhes bya ba rigi-ārali-tantra-rāja-nāma nga 176a2-180b7  
68 The great tantra king yogini - four glorious seat-bases rnal 'byor ma'i rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po dpal gdan bzhi pa zhes bya ba śrī-catur-pīṭha-mahāyoginī-tantra-rāja-nāma nga 181a1-231b5  
69 The King of Tantra Explaining the Four Glorious Seat-Foundations - Part of the Mantra dpal gdan bzhi pa'i bshad pa'i rgyud kyi rgyal po sngags kyi cha zhes bya ba śrī-catuh-pīṭha-a-khyāta-tantra-rājomantra-aṁsa-nāma nga 231b6-260a2  
70 The Tantra King of Perfect Explanations of the Four Glorious Foundations dpal gdan bzhi pa'i rnam par bshad pa'i rgyud kyi rgyal po zhes bya ba śrī-catur-pīṭha-vi-khyāha-tantra-rāja-nāma nga 260a3-304a7  
71 Tantra king of the great glorious ferocious - the alone Hero dpal gtum po khro bo chen po'i rgyud kyi rgyal po dpa' bo gcig pa zhes bya ba ekavīra-akhya-śrī-caṇḍa-mahāroṣaṇa-tantra-rāja-nāma nga 304b1-343a1.  
72 The king of tantra comprehension of the noble Achala 'phags pa mi g.yo ba'i rtog pa'i rgyud kyi rgyal po ārya-acala-kalpa-tantra-rāja ca 1b1-12a7.  
73 The secret tantra, the secret mantra of all the Wrathful Kings khro bo'i rgyal po thams cad gsang sngags gsang ba'i rgyud ces bya ba krodha-rāja-sarva-mantra-guhya-tantra-nāma ca 12b1-13b4.  
74 The Great Secret Tantra of the Noble Achala 'phags pa mi g.yo ba'i gsang rgyud chen po ārya-acala-mahā-guhya-tantra ca 14b4-16b5  
75 Tantra of Vajra-Amrita rdo rje bdud rtsi'i rgyud vajra-amṛta-tantra ca 16b5-27a6  
76 Kulaloka-natha - Fifty stanzas rigs kyi 'jig rten mgon po lnga bcu pa zhes bya ba kula-loka-nātha-pañca-daśaka-nāma ca 27a6-29b1  
77 Comprehension-realization of the noble Tara-Kurukulle 'phags pa sgrol ma ku ru ku lle'i rtog pa ārya-tāre-kurukulle-kalpa ca 29b1-42b3  
78 Hymn-praise to the twenty-one Tara the Liberator, together [with a description of] the good and the benefits sgrol ma la phyag ‘tshal nyi shu rtsa gcig gis bstod pa phan yon dang bcas pa namah-tārā-eka-viṁśati-stotra-guṇa-hita-sāka ca 42b3-43b6.  
79 Part of the Vajrakilaya Root Tantra rdo rje phur pa rtsa ba'i rgyud kyi dum bu vajra-kīlaya-mūla-tantra-khaṇḍa ca 43b7-45b6.  
80 King of Tantra - Great Black [Mahakala] nag po cen po zhes bya ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po mahākāla-tantra-rāja-nāma ca 45b6-86a7  
81 Tantra of discovering true [nature] - equal to heavenly space ji bzhin brnyes pa nam mkha' dang mnyam pa zhes bya ba'i rgyud yathā-labdha-kha-sama-tantra-nāma ca 86b1-89b7.  
82 Great King - Collection of the Mysterious. The great mystery of the body, speech and mind of all Tathagatas de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi sku gsung thugs kyi gsang chen gsang ba 'dus pa zhes bya ba brtag pa'i rgyal po chen po sarva-tathāgata-kāya-vāk-citta-rahasyo-guhya-sam-āja-nāma-mahā-kalpa-rāja ca 90a1-157b7.  
83 Complementary tantra rgyud phyi ma - ca 148a6-157b7.  
84 Tantra - Description of thoughts dgongs pa lung bstan pa zhes bya ba'i rgyud sandhi-vyākaraṇa-nāma-tantra ca 158a1-207b7.  
85 Tantra of great yoga. Proclamation of the vajra garland - Section of the secret essence of all tantras rnal 'byor chen po'i rgyud dpal rdo rje phreng ba mngon par brjod pa rgyud thams cad kyi snying po gsang ba rnam par phye ba zhes bya ba śrī-vajra-māla-abhi-dhāna-mahā-yoga-tantra-sarva-tantra-hṛdaya-rahasya-vibhañga-iti ca 208a1-277b3.  
86 Questions of the four goddesses lha mo bzhis yongs su zhus pa catur-devī-paripṛcchā ca 277b3-281b7.  
87 Tantra - Compendium of Vajra Primordial Wisdom ye shes rdo rje kun las btus pa zhes bya ba'i rgyud vajra-jñāna-sam-uccaya-nāma-tantra ca 282a1-286a6.  
88 Glorious Varjna Primal Wisdom Gathered from Everywhere dpal ye shes rdo rje kun las bsdus pa śrī-jñana-vajra-samucchaya cha 1b1-35b7.  
89 Tantras of the glorious decoration of the vajra heart dpal rdo rje snying po rgyan gyi rgyud ces bya ba śrī-vajra-hṛdaya-alika-ara-tantra-nāma cha 36a1-58b2.  
90 The Great King of Insight - The All-Conquering Equality of Noble Non-duality 'phags pa gnyis su med pa mnyam pa nyid rnam par rgyal ba zhes bya ba'i rtog pa'i rgyal po chen po ārya-advaya-samatā-vijayā-khyavi-kalpa-mahārājā cha 58b3-103a3.  
91 The mystery of all glorious Tathagatas, great yoga. The king of tantra about non-dual equality, called "All-conquering". The first analyzes of the Sri Vajra Maha dpal de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi gsang ba rnal 'byor chen po rnam par rgyal ba zhes bya ba mnyam pa nyid gnyis su med pa'i rgyud kyi rgyal po rdo rje dpal mchog chen po brtag pa dang po śrī-sarva-tathāgata-guhya-tantra-yoga-mahā-rāja-a-dvaya-sama-tā-vi-jaya-nāma-vajra-śrī-vara-mahā-kalpa-adi cha 103a3-331a5.  
92 Tantra of the noble Vajrapani with blue robes - Submission of the three powerful 'phags pa lag na rdo rje gos sngon po can drag po gsum 'dul ba zhes bya ba'i rgyud ārya-nīlāmbara-dhara-vajrapāṇī-rudra-vi-tri-vina-tantra-nāma ja 1b1-3b2.  
93 Classification of the innermost tantras - Submission of the three powerful gsang ba'i rgyud rnams kyi rnam par 'byed pa drag po gsum 'dul zhes bya ba vibhaṅga-guhya-tantra-ṇāṁ-tri-rudra-damanaṁ-nāma ja 3b2-8a4.  
94 Vajrapani ritual with blue robes. Vajra hammer tantra lag na rdo rje gos sngon po can gyi cho ga rdo rje be con gyi rgyud vajrapāṇi-nīlāmbara-vidhi-vajra-daṇḍa-tantra ja 8a4-12a5.  
95 Vajrapani with blue robes. Vajra Threat Tantra - Complete Victory over the Three Realms lag na rdo rje gos sngon po can rdo rje gdengs pa'i rgyud khams gsum las rnam par rgyal ba zhes bya ba nīlāmbara-dhara-vajrapāṇi-vajra-phāṇakas-tantra-trailokya-vijaya-nāma ja 12a6-15a4.  
96 The Secret Tantra of the Heart of Glorious Vajrachanda dpal rdo rje gtum po thugs gsang ba'i rgyud śrī-vajra-caṇḍa-citta-guhya-tantra ja 15a5-30a7  
97 Additional Secret Tantra - Heart of Vajrachanda dpal rdo rje gtum po thugs gsang ba'i rgyud phyi ma śrī-vajra-caṇḍa-citta-guhya-tantra-uttara ja 30b1-36b3.  
98 Second Additional Secret Tantra of the Heart of Glorious Vajrachanda dpal rdo rje gtum po thugs gsang ba'i rgyud phyi ma'i phyi ma śrī-vajra-caṇḍa-citta-guhya-tantra-uttara-uttara ja 36b4-39b6  
99 Dharani - Dream vision rmi lam mthong ba zhes bya ba’i gzungs - ja 39b6-39b7.  
100 Vajrapani, the Great Powerful Yaksha with blue robes - the tantra of the vajra flame tongues phyag na rdo rje gos sngon po can gnod sbyin drag po chen po rdo rje me lce'i rgyud ces bya ba nīlāmbara-dhara-vajra-pāṇi-yakṣa-mahā-rudra-vajra-anala-jihvā-tantra-nāma ja 40a1-65b6.  
101 Vajra heart. Dharani - the fall of the vajra language rdo rje snying po rdo rje lce dbab pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs vajra-hṛdaya-vajra-jihvā-nala-nāma-dhāraṇī ja 65b6-68a1.  
102 Tantra of the Secret Vajrapani Instruction dpal phyag na rdo rje gsang ba bstan pa'i rgyud śrī-guhya-vajra-pāṇi-abhideśa-tantra-nāma ja 68a1-69a7.  
103 The king of tantra. Secret Teaching of the Blessed Vajrapani bcom ldan 'das phyag na rdo rje gsang ba mngon par bstan pa'i rgyud kyi rgyal po zhes bya ba bhagavān-vajra-pāṇi-guhya-abhi-deśa-tantra-rāja-nāma ja 69a7-90b4.  
104 The King of Tantra - Vajra Anger and Bliss rdo rje bde khros rgyud kyi rgyal po vajra-sukha-krodha-tantra-rāja ja 90b4-93b7.  
105 The Great King of Tantra - Net of Magical Manifestation rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po sgyu 'phrul dra ba zhes bya ba māyā-jāla-mahā-tantra-rāja-nāma ja 94b1-134a7  
106 Tantra - Black Yamantaka, (embodiment) of the body, speech and mind of all Tathagatas de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi sku gsung thugs gshin rje gshed nag po zhes bya ba'i rgyud sarva-tathāgata-kāya-vāk-citta-kṛṣṇa-yamāri-nāma-tantra ja 134b1-151b4.  
107 Tantra of the glorious and great Vajra-bhairava dpal rdo rje 'jigs byed kyi chen po rgyud ces bya ba śrī-vajra-mahā-bhairava-nāma-tantra ja 151b4-164a1.  
108 The tantra king of the black glorious Yamantaka. Three realizations dpal gshin rje'i gshed nag po'i rgyud kyi rgyal po rtog pa gsum pa zhes bya ba śrī-kṛṣṇa-yamāri-tantra-rājā-tri-kalpa-nāma ja 164a1-167b5.  
109 The tantra king of the realization of the glorious Vajrabhairava dpal rdo rje 'jigs byed kyi rtog pa'i rgyud kyi rgyal po śrī-vajra-bhairava-kalpa-tantra-rāja ja 167b5-173b3  
110 Comprehending stories - - ja 173b3-174a2.  
111 Theulope ritual te'u lo pa'i cho ga zhes bya ba cchucchundhara-kalpa-nāma ja 174a2-174b7.  
112 The king of tantra. The wheel-chakra of the black Enemy that plunges the Yama - The full implementation of all deeds gshin rje’i gshed dgra nag po'i 'khor lo las thams cad grub par byed pa zhes bya ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po yamāri-kṛṣṇa-karma-sarva-cakra-siddha-kara-nāma-tantra-rāja ja 175a1-185b7  
113 The king of tantra. Glorious Red Killer of Yama dpal gshin rje’i gshed dmar po zhes bya ba rgyud kyi rgyal po śrī-rakta-yamāri-tantra-rāja-nāma ja 186a1-214b7.  
114 The king of tantra. >Glorious Red Killer of Yama dpal ldan gzhin rje gshed dmar po'i rgyud kyi rgyal po zhes bya ba śrī-māṁ-rakta-yamāri-tantra-rāja-nāma ja 214b7-244b7.  
115 The great king of tantra. Comprehension of the glorious blessed Ekajati dpal bcom ldan 'das ral pa gcig pa'i brtag pa’i rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po zhes bya ba śrī-bhagavān-eka-jaṭa-mahā-kalpa-tantra-rāja-nāma ja 245a1-247b4.  
116 The great king of tantra - a drop of the glorious Chandraguhya dpal zla gsang thig le zhes bya ba rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po śrī-candra-guhya-tilaka-nāma-mahā-tantra-rāja ja 247b4-303a7  
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