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Translations of Explanations, Tengyur (bstan 'gyur)


Translations of Explanations, Tengyur (bstan 'gyur (sde dge))

     The Tengyur (bstan 'Gyur) is one of the canonical collections of texts that include commentaries, hymns, and treatises composed by Indian teachers of the past. There are several different editions of the Tengyur. In this case the catalog is based on the Tengyur of the Dege edition. The catalog will be gradually enlarged and new sections will be opened. At present, there is still a so-called upper cut on the general content. The number of texts and volumes will also be indicated in the course of the work. It should be mentioned at once that the Kangyura catalog may not coincide with the one presented by Tohoku. This may be due to the fact that when compiling the catalog on the site - the entire collection of texts is proofread, rather than translating the overview catalog, which is one of the volumes of this collection.


   Contents of the text collection:

Title Title (in Tibetan) Number of volumes Number of texts
Collection of Hymns or Praise bstod tshogs 1 72
Commentaries on Tantras rgyud 'grel 78 2629
Prajnya-paramita sher phyin 16 38
Madhyamaka dbu ma 17 157
Commentaries on sutras mdo 'grel 10 40
Chittamatra sems tsam 16 66
Abhidharma mngon pa 11 18
Vinaya 'dul ba 18 46
Stories of rebirths skyes rabs 4 8
Epistolary genre spring yig 2 45
Pramana tshad ma 20 66
Grammar sgra'i mdo 4 37
Medicine sman 5 7
Arts and Crafts bzo rig 1 16
Ordinary treatises thun mong 1 18
Miscellaneous texts lung 9 118
Catalog   1  
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