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6.1 Five main stones

     First. The five main stones determine the disease, which is eliminated by vision. Arrogance, arthritis, goiter, warts, swelling from the spikes with pain, hemorrhoids, rupture of ligaments, geog (sgyogs), phog (phog), thordis (thog rdib), constipation, falling out of a tree, [the disease] in the tree view, the sense organ eye, the object's liver - all these diseases of the wood and green stone tree.
     Infectious diseases, smallpox, measles, varieties of seizures, colic, swelling in the throat, black Pit (ya ma nag), countless varieties of [diseases] that are commensurate with the wind of the heart [or depression], colic due to heat, abdominal pain, provocation from above, snake venom, dog rabies, provocations [from snakes and dogs], cancer due to fire days, bowel diseases, tongue, and heart diseases, etc.-all these are fire diseases and the red stone of fire.
     [Everything] related to bile, depression, senseless movements, swelling, zatrug (za phrug), constipation, leprosy, boils, cancer, etc. Spirits that stop pregnancy, diseases of children, heaviness in the body, distemper, forgetfulness, falling from laughter, organ skin, the object of diseases spleen, stomach, eyebrows, etc. - all these are diseases of the earth and the yellow stone of the earth.
     Weakness due to a weapon that is not a fire arrow, bad breath, Glo lu, nose organ, and lungs are all metal diseases and white metal stone.
     [Diseases] cold, dropsy, blisters, edema, sur (sur), yachhu (ya chu), diseases of the lymph, diseases of the bladder, diseases of the female genitals, lack of discharge from below, diseases due to water, depression of the Nagas, etc. The sense organ-the ears, the object-the kidneys-are all diseases of water and the blue stone of water.

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6.2 Fifteen branches

     Second. The fifteen branches are as follows.
     The first is whether La and longevity are thrown out or not. Four, Sog, Lu, Wang and Lungta calculated, shows the confrontation with Sog, Lu, Wang and Lungta of the current year. If the discarded stone is white, mother and friend are earth and water. If an enemy is encountered and wood, metal, and fire intersect internally, it is black. When the son meets-half black. This is an analysis of the longevity column.
     The second is whether the location is being thrown out or not. If you give an example for men of diseases of the tree, on the basis of the Tiger as the enemy element count (for Example, if count — tree-rat, then rotates ,since the metal tiger. If it is the fifteenth [year], then Sog, Lu, Wang, and Lungta of the dragon tree are required.), [there is] a conflict with the calculation [since] everything received will fall down. This is an analysis of the place, the deity, and the predictions of mo and the priest Bon.
     The third is whether the fabric on the hat will rot or not. Starting with the Tiger, which is harmonious to the element calculated, [determine] the conflict in the calculations when the received falls down. This is an analysis of the father and paternal grandfather as land.
     Fourth-will or will not be the rank of Minister. Starting with the Tiger as a friend of the element being calculated, [search for] conflict when performing the calculation as a downfall of what is received. Analyze both the land of men and women for the Minister.
     The fifth is whether or not there will be hair damage at school. Starting with the Tiger as the mother of the element to be calculated, [the search is made for] conflict when performing the calculation as the fall to the ground of what is received. If this is you, then the land where the girl will turn away.
     Sixth — thieves and bandits will appear or not. Starting with the Hare as the enemy of the element being calculated, [search for] a conflict with the implementation of the calculation to lift up what is received (for Example. If is the fifteenth year for [born in] the year of the Rat tree, then it is the fire-Bull). This is the land of the demon-Mara, bandits, cemetery demons.
     Seventh — whether you will be led or not by the rakshasas of deeds. Starting with the Hare as the mother of the element being calculated, [define] conflict in making calculations as the face-up lifting of what is received and collected. Analyze this as the level of approximation and removal of rakshasas for the body.
     Eighth — the green tree will break or not. Starting with the Hare, which is in harmony with the element calculated, [defined] conflict in the implementation of calculations as the lifting of the face up of what is received and gained. This is an analysis of the child's Sog level.
     Nine — whether or not the vault is emptied. Starting with the Hare as a son with the element calculated, [defined] conflict in the calculation as a face-up turn and the rise of the received and collected. This is the Golden land of the house and the turquoise land.
     Ten — whether the rope breaks or not. Starting this year, we counted up to eight. Then [there will be] a heaven gate of conflict when performing the calculation as a face-down turn of the collected and received.
     The eleventh is whether the analysis network will be released or not. Starting from the current year, eight are counted down. Then the conflict Sog is analyzed when performing calculations to lift up what is received.
     The twelfth — there will be a cold wind or not. Starting with the Tiger of the son of the element being calculated- [we find] a conflict when defining the calculation as falling face down. So analyze the level of the assistant and cemetery land.
     Thirteen — whether or not the constellation and the house will be destroyed. Starting with the Monkey as the mother of the element to be calculated, [find] the conflict in making the calculation as the face-up lifting of what is received. This is the general analysis of the spouse.
     The fourteenth is whether or not the tree will be eliminated because of the early one. Starting this year, count five up. Then [define] the conflict as a face-down turn. This is an analysis of the duration of the disease.
     Fifteen — whether or not there will be a goal at the base of the peg. Starting from the current year, count five down. Then [defined] conflict as the rise to the top of what was received. This is the land of the enemy, the gate of the earth.

     Similarly, if there is a fire disease, then starting from the second and up to the fifth will turn down, starting with the Horse. From the sixth to the ninth, it will lift up, starting with the Snake. The remaining ones are similar to the ones shown above.
     [If there is] an earth disease, then the second and third turn down, starting with the Dragon. The fourth and fifth turn down, starting with the Dog. The sixth and seventh turn up, starting with the Sheep. The eighth and ninth turn up, starting with the Bull. The remaining ones are similar to the ones shown above.
     When the metal is sick-above the fifth, starting with the Monkey-it will turn its face down. Above the ninth, starting with the Bird will turn its face up. The remaining ones are similar to those shown above.
     With water disease, above the fifth, starting with the Rat will turn its face down. Above the ninth, starting with the Pig, will turn its face up. The first remainder of that is the level of La and longevity. Tenth — the rope will break or not. Thirteenth — the constellation house will be destroyed or not. The fourteenth — you will possess or not the tree [that appeared] earlier. Fifteenth — whether or not the peg and base will be tselepogalanie. Starting with the calculated element, [define] mother, son, enemy, friend, and so on. There are no other aspects besides the above.

     Then [follows] an explanation of the clear prediction [of the fetus].
     First. If La or longevity (black stone) is lost, you will be guided by bad luck and a lot of birds. Creatures that don't have errors will get their life force cut off. There will be Demons-Mara and the commands of the current year will be stopped. Make the redemption of the Sog, the invocation of longevity, the recitation of New. Perform the aversion of enemies, the ritual of eliminating failure in relation to scandals, and their aversion.
     [Second. If you lose your residence, you will get an arrow from your spouse. And when you call your paternal uncle, you will see a face with ulcers. Separate your spouse from you and go to the pasture. Recite the compendium [Prajna-paramita], and make the [offering] of gifts.
     [Third] If the cloth of the cap rotts, then good luck and provisions will also be small. Collect the accumulation, cleanse the veil and read the writings of the sutras.
     [Fourth] If the status of the Minister falls, you will get bad advice that arise from the demons-Mara. It will be useful if [you will repeat] against provocations [mantras] Tara and four Ushnisha.
     [Fifth] If the hair is damaged at school, it will be damaged for longevity. This is the answer to the encounter with the five demons. [Repeat] decorating the trunk and offering food next to the stupa.
     [Sixth] If thieves or robbers appear, the graveyard demon will appear. You will get the answer from relying on pernicious friends or from eating food from a widow [or widower]. [Chant] Uhnisha, make a ritual of crossed threads and the cross threads against the demon Mara.
     [Seventh] If you are guided by the rakshasas, then [there will be] sorcery and evil spells. Come to the malicious direction. There, manifest mantras for suppression. In this way, you will redeem your La And suppress your enemies.
     [Eighth] If the green tree splits, the baby's life force disappears. You get it for suppressing the Naga tree with weapons. Make offerings to the Nagas, discard the Nagas, and recite [prayers] for repentance.
     [Ninth] If the vault is emptied, there will be a decline in the house and land. This is the answer because of spending in the mistakes of having wealth. Make the accumulation of [sasori and wisdom], invoke wealth, and steer clear of the liens in relation to jewelry.
     [Tenth] If the rope breaks, freedom from the sky will descend. There will be harm from provocations from above and upper demons-Mara. Avert the mistakes of the demons-Mara, bind the gates of heaven. Protect yourself from the graha and Gyalpo planets.
     [Eleventh] If you get rid of the rope of thoughts, there will be an irritation for the life force. Diseases and the stud appears from behind the harm of Sadags, planets garah, constellations. You will get sick from the contamination of the forge or the hearth for burning. [Bring] eight lights, remove the contamination of the Dakini.
     [Twelve] If there is a cold wind, there will be retribution. Whatever the man and woman are, there will be harm to the helpers. You get an answer because you drop the link to the medication. Make [the offering] four hundred [reciting] Ushnisha, the suppression of scandals.
     [Thirteenth] If the constellation house is destroyed, it will be bad for the owner of the house. You will get, because of the harm, the presence of [near] the demons of death. Carry out the rejection of Mamo and demons-Mara of both sexes. Also perform the crossed thread ritual for the nine sorrows.
     [Fourteenth] If the tree is eliminated because of the past, there will be long-term diseases. Because of the harm from Tauranga heaven — spin protective chakra. Make offerings to the deities of heaven and repent.
     [Fifteenth] If there is a goal for the peg at the base, the earth gate will collapse. Due to the crossed diagrams is the harm of Sadags and Nagas. Carry out the rejection of enemies, the rejection of demons-Mara, bring a large ransom.
     Thus, if there are a lot of white stones, it is favorable. If there are a lot of black stones, work hard in accordance with the order. If the white fourth is very favorable. If the fourth is black, it is extremely bad. On the basis of this, move along the measurement sequence. If the offering of white and black does not break into pieces, then even if the coniferous tree does not fall, it will be formed in the future. It will be good if you collect savings, bring gifts.
     Also, in general, this action is similar to this. If the black pine is a tree, then to be accompanied by the cutting off of demons-Mara, make a monkey with ornaments and tools made of wood. Carry out extensive cultivation of a special tree of life and the ritual of eliminating troubles.
     If the coniferous tree of fire is bad, set it in the direction of cutting off the demon-Mara, making a red horse in a copper or turquoise [vessel]. Eliminate the contamination of the Dakini, perform the ritual of crossed threads for Mamo. Repeat the spells-Dharani, soothing infectious diseases.
     If the coniferous tree of the earth is bad, then put the sick person's clothes on a cow or sheep, install what you will weave from satin. Repeat [Dharani] of Uhnisha, white umbrella, otradi face the demons of Mara.
     If the coniferous tree of metal is bad, then set in the East direction what you will make in the form of a goat, [decorated] with the attributes of a blacksmith, armor, bow and arrow. Avert knife points, do the ritual of crossed threads for Tsen.
     If the coniferous tree of water is bad, then set in the North or direction of the cut-off of the demon-Mara, what you will weave like a cow or bull with a black flag and a cage. Perform the [offering] of four hundred, the ritual of crossed threads, and the tent against the lake Men. Read five thousanders, Vajravidarana.

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6.6.5 Revenge of the planet-days.

     Fifth. Revenge of the planets. Under the Sun - the protection of the deities will be impure. Under the moon — will be the harm of Sadags, Nagas, Nyen. When Mars - the wrath demonesses-Mara, Tsen, and Gyalpo. When Mercury - harm from Nagas and Chomen. Under Jupiter - there will be a shake-up with the defenders of Buddhism and Bon. With Venus - there will be fear from Nyen and Gyalpo. Saturn — is the harm of Sadags and Mamo. All that is done by them, analyze science from the ceremony of eliminating negative influences.

6.6.6. Revenge of the constellations.

     Sixth. Revenge of the constellations. Krittika (residence) - you will get [harm] because of impurity and widowhood. Rohini (accommodation) - you will get [harm] because of the hearth for burning. Mrigashirsha (accommodation)-you will get [harm] because of food and scandals. Aridra (prolonged illness)-you will get [harm] because of the blacksmith and the retention of the face. Punarvasu - you will get [harm] because of strong and powerful deeds. Pushya - you will get [harm] because of Nyen and cultivation of the land. Ashlesha - you will get [harm] because of slander and disputes. Magha - you will get [harm] because of strong and passionate explanations. Purvaphalguni (death) - receive [harm] because of the suppression and destruction of trees. Uttaraphalguni (death) - you will get [harm] because of the destruction of stones, cultivation of the land. Hasta (death) - you will get [harm] because of the fear of suppressing mantras. Chitra (death) - you will get [harm] because of unnoticed food. Swati (death, great danger) - you will get [harm] because of the made ruins-ruins. Visakha - you will get [harm] from traveling in the evening. Anuradha - you will get [harm] because of the entry of a demon into the hearth. The Rohini (the ease of healing) — you will get [harm] because of the guests and the forge. Mula - you will get [harm] because of the oil and meat. Purvashadha - you will get [harm] from ponds, irrigation channels, dug [holes]. Uttarashadha - you will get [harm] from farming. Abhijit - you will get [harm] because of the wars of the sages. Shravana - you will get [harm] because of serving bad friends. Dhanishtha - you will get [harm] because of your neighbors travel. Shatabhisha - you will get [harm] because of the travel of working people. Purvabhadrapada (death, great danger) - you will get [harm] because of incest and gathering. Uttarabhadrapada - you will get [harm] because of spilled pure beer. Revati — you will get [harm] because of the women's journey. Ashwini - you will get [harm] because of river visitors. Bharani - you will get [harm] because of Prices and a small setback.
     Perform a benevolent analysis in this way. Look at the characteristics of your own flow that moves at the top.
     First — person element of the tree. Color - blue, size - extended, body with needs. He talks a lot, lies a lot, and if he moves, it's fast. The body is bent, happy to trade.
     Man of fire - red color, Sharp wisdom and strong in speech. A strong belief in dryness and good maturation in the wind. The hair is yellow, the mind is great, and the anger is great.
     Man of the earth - the color is yellow, the body is heavy. Small in stature, moves and drinks a lot, doesn't talk much, has a large body. Happy if it moves belted. Big laziness and intoxicating dreams.
     Metal man - the color is white, it is impossible to change. Unrestrained, the mind is pure, her hair braided and beautiful. Bad hearing, clear mind. Words are harsh, speech is sharp, and pride is great.
     Water man - color black, shape oily, lots of saliva, mucus from the nose, mucus from the eyes. The body is heavy, the mind is dull, the movements are bad. The body shakes, little heat, great passion.
     Similarly, the elements are characterized: a person who has a connection of two, a person who has a connection of three, and so on. This is how the magic wheel of knowledge turns. Whether there are diseases or not, subdivide them mercifully through the science of the sages. Having done so, by completing the coniferous tree stones of astrological science, grant a prediction of good and bad.
     Thus ends the sixth — Chapter of the demonstration of the long pine tree of astrological science from the "Mirror of manifest existence", Chinese calculations.

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6.6.4 Fourth. Revenge of days

    Diseases on the day of the Rat: there will be tumors, growths on the body or joints. Since he did not please the Nagas and deities with offerings earlier, it is said that it is difficult for a woman and a man to make offerings to the deities.
    On the day of the Bull: there will be heart disease and liver disease in men. The damage from the Tree and snooze and light and Serah. There will be disturbing and strong dreams. There will be heaviness, women's diseases, bad experiences in the joints of the limbs.
    On the day of the Tiger: the stakes will be on all sides, front and back. Will the harm from gods, Nyen, Nagas, Nyen, and Tauranga. They also talk about heaviness in men and women. Make offerings to the deities and smoke offerings to the Nagas with force.
    On the day of the Hare: diseases of the head and waist. The damage from the Gyalpo, Tauranga, Sindh demons, Nagas and rakshasas. They say that when this happens, it will be hard for both men and women.
    On the day of the Dragon: diseases of the internal organs of the heart and lungs. The deities are angry because of the hearth for burning and uncleanness. Make offerings of smoke to the deities, and make forms and supports for the deities. It is explained that it is difficult for both men and women.
    On the day of the Snake: diseases of the chest and ribs. There will be fatigue, sweat, [pain in] the intestines, chills, fever. Harm will come from the Nagas and Nyen in the grass and trees. There will be long-term illnesses in men and women.
    On the day of the Horse: diseases with loss of consciousness, stabbing pain in the sides. The damage from the deities of the horse and snooze and light. Carry out the [practices] of performing the acts of the deity. They say that it will be difficult for both men and women.
    On the day of the Sheep: it will be difficult to cure diseases in the middle of the body. It will be harmful if serangs, Dre and Tsen gather. Frighten the serag and pray for the dead with daggers.
    On the day of the Monkey: your heart will shake, you will have a good appetite, but you will be crooked. Will the damage from impure substances and Sudakov. What made sadami, it will be difficult for men and women.
    On the day of the Bird: the limbs and bones will ache. Because the hearth is emptied, there will be harm from the deities and Nyen. It will be good if you bring the smoke from the burning in the hearth and make offerings to the deities and Nagas.
    On the day of the Dog: fatigue will occur and it will be difficult to move. There will be harm from the celestial theurang, the keepers of the treasure, the Pehar. Perform the ritual of crossed threads for Pehar, command the celestial Gongpo.
    On the day of the Pig: there will be bloodshed and bad breath. There will be harm from the spirits of death from the direction of the brothers and sisters. Subdue the executioners and offer prayers to the family deities in the cemetery. Diseases for men and women will be severe.

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6.6.3 Revenge of the Mewa

     White One — if there is a disease beyond it, then there are diseases of the eyes, the head is dizzy and there is a wind. Boils and tumors, whistling in the body, stinging the heart. The negative impact of harm from the gods, Gyalpo, the local rulers of the place and Sudakov. Your enemies are cheese and beer. Perform penance and deeds, Dharani of the deities and Nagas. Perform the ritual of paying off karmic creditors, raise the crossed threads from the Gyalpo number one hundred.
     Black two. Serious illness. There will be diseases of the eyes, upper body, colic. The negative impact of harm from the demons of Mara, scandals, Yakshas, Nagas-demons, violators of the vows. From the direction of widowhood comes sorrow. You are in danger of turning away from men. Perform the ritual of eliminating the misfortunes of the black, the ritual of crossed threads, unfold the face of the demons-Mara.
     Blue three. Diseases: tumors, dropsy, liver disease in men, urinary retention. Negativnye influence: negative influence of Nagas, sinmo, Sadags of the fields, land, cemetery land. Dangers: the spring will unfold, fangs and claws. You, man, will make mistakes in trading and there will be scandals. Do the rituals of the Nagas, offer Torma to the Nagas, do the ritual of crossed threads for the eight Nagas. Hide the vase-the treasure of the Nagas and Sudakov.
     The green four. Disease: pustules, leprosy, paralysis, arthritis, diseases of the limbs. Negative influence: the harm from Nagas and Sadags in the North-West, that dwell in trees and springs. The sengma flower (gseng ma) will be destroyed, you will get the destruction of trees. You will have erroneous charges and losses. Even if you are paralyzed and the pustules dry out, it is temporary. Prepare the Naga medicine, recite a hundred thousand Nagas, perform the crossed thread ritual for the eight Nagas.
     Yellow five. There will be severe heaviness, deafness and numbness, sweat and vomiting, abdominal diseases. You will sleep a lot, but there will be no joy in your heart. Negative effects: harm will result from Gyalpo, Gong, drala, light-bearing substances. Because of the dangers and destruction of the stupas at the base of the sky, you will have a heaviness and a decline in cattle. Restore harmony with Sakagami and eliminate the demons of the substances.
     The white six. Diseases: stabbing pains in the heart, infectious diseases, diseases of the mouth, teeth and bones. Negative influences: harm due to an empty house, treasure keepers, demons of passion, hidden demons of women. Danger from an unclean hearth and incest. You will develop bone diseases and ulcers. Perform ablutions, exercise and repentance, and make offerings to the gongpo.
     The red seven. Diseases: pain in the blood, fever, severe tumors, errors in bloodletting and moxibustion. Negative effects: damage from knives, Prices, and Tree. You will get various cattle kills and a hearth with red blood. You will have arrows and nails of Tsen. Harmonize [the relationship] with the Tsen, bring salted beef, perform the ritual of crossed threads for diseases and those who scratch.
     White eight. Diseases: severity, insanity, pollution due to the wrath of the deities. Negative influences: the rage of the five inherent deities. Danger: impurity will put pressure on the deity. You will have knives and methods with nails. Perform ablutions, restore the five inherent deities. Implement good luck wishes for your opponents and [invoke] longevity and well-being.
     Red nine. Diseases: epidemic diseases, women will have very strong bleeding. Negative influences: harm from demons-Mara and Tenma. Danger from incest and eating the widow's food. You will have latent laziness and epidemic diseases. Perform the General ritual of crossed threads for Mamo, invoke prosperity, guard the deity of Buddhism and Bon and dark purple.

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